Posts filed under: Your Life

10 Vitamins & Supplements That Are Good For Skin

This post will look at 10 vitamins/supplements that are good for keeping your skin healthy and looking beautiful. Note that there are more than ten vitamins that are good for your skin I will just be talking about my favorite 10 that seem to work the best for me. Not all 10 are needed through supplement form.

Our Skin

Our skin is the largest organ in the human body. It’s composed of water, protein, fats, and minerals. It has multiple layers each with its’ own function. Our skin varies in texture and thickness dependent on the part of body it is covering.

Our skin is the only organ that is completely exposed to the elements. It’s also the only organ that we can care for both externally and internally. Think about it, when was the last time you washed your kidneys or put moisturizer on your heart?

The Importance of Internal & External Skin Care

Just as with all of our organs there are many factors that can have effects on them such as environment, stress, health issues, diet, unhealthy habits and more.

Caring for your skin both externally and internally is not just about vanity. Improper or neglect of skin care can lead to skin diseases, premature aging of the skin, thinning of the skin and more. Since your body works together the neglect of one area can lead to issues of other areas too.

The condition of our skin can have extending effects on how we perceive ourselves. If we look good, we feel good. If we feel good, we do good.

No Quick Fix Magic

There is no substitute for the base of good skin which is eating healthy, plenty of water, exercise, sleeping well and a positive mindset. The vitamins and supplements are not recommended in lieu of the previous listed basics they are in addition to. Sometimes it may be difficult to get all the proper nutrients we need from food alone. Whether it be the amount needed to consume, access to it or a preexisting medical condition, it is possible with a good base, knowledge and supplements to get the right nutrients for your skin to illuminate your healthy glow.

Before starting any new supplement or new routine always check with you doctor/health care provider. Always ask them the recommended amount for you and your health, needs, and circumstances.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that helps vision, immune function, reproductive health and body growth. The body does not produce vitamin A, so it does need to come from diet & supplements.

Skin Benefits: Anti-aging, acne prevention, evens hyperpigmentation, improves skin tone, lessens inflammation, moisturizing. Vitamin A is a member of the retinoid family.

Other Sources: Organ meats, fish, egg yolks, milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, orange & yellow vegetables, tomatoes, mango, cantaloupe, papaya.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin with antioxidants, immune boosting properties, brain function and more. The human body cannot produce or store vitamin C on it’s own. This is why we need to consume it.

Skin Benefits: Boosts collagen production, reduces the appearance of early aging and dark spots, protects against sun damage and reduces redness. Vitamin C also brightens complexion, evens skin tone, and improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Sources: Citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, red peppers, strawberries, kiwi, white potatoes, cantaloupe, tomatoes, papaya and guava.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body can store for long periods of time. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps regulate calcium and phosphorus in the body. It also plays a role in maintaining proper bone structure.

Skin Benefits: Decreases inflammation, protects the skin, improves cell turnover, strengthens skin elasticity, and has anti-aging benefits.

Sources: Sun exposure(always use sunscreen), oily fatty fish, raw shitake, oyster mushrooms, dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt and whole eggs. Other sources include fish oils and dark chocolate.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble compounds with antioxidant effects that protect your cells and support your immune system.

Skin Benefits: Moisturizing, healing, brightening, protecting, anti-aging.

Sources: Nuts(almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, peanut butter), seeds(sunflower, pumpkin), some oils(sunflower, safflower), fish(abalone, salmon, trout), sweet red pepper, butternut squash, avocado, mango and kiwi.


Biotin is a water soluble B-complex vitamin that helps your body breakdown food into energy and supports your nervous system, liver, eyes, hair and skin.

Skin Benefits: Promotes Healthy Skin, Supports Skin Repair, Improves Skin Hydration, Reduces Skin Inflammation, and Supports Collagen Production.

Sources: Egg Yolks, legumes, nuts, seeds, liver, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, bananas, broccoli, yeast, avocados.


Collagen is a type of protein that plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and integrity of various tissues in the body. It’s the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 30% of the total protein in the human body. Structure and Types Structure: Collagen is made up of long, fibrous proteins that form a scaffold to provide strength and support to tissues. These proteins are composed of amino acids, with glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline being key components.

Types: There are at least 16 types of collagen, but the most common types in the body are:

Type I: The most abundant type, found in skin, tendons, bones, and ligaments.
Type II: Found mainly in cartilage.
Type III: Present in skin, blood vessels, and internal organs.
Type IV: Located in the layers of the skin and other tissues.

Skin Benefits: Improves Skin Elasticity, Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines, Enhances Skin Hydration, Supports Skin Repair and Healing, Boosts Skin Density, Improves Skin Texture

Sources: Collagen levels naturally decrease with age, but there are ways to support and potentially boost collagen production. This includes: Consuming Collagen-Rich Foods: Bone broth, chicken skin, and fish are high in collagen. Taking Collagen Supplements: Hydrolyzed collagen supplements can be easily absorbed and may help improve skin health. Maintaining a Healthy Diet: Foods rich in vitamin C, amino acids, and antioxidants support collagen production. Protecting Your Skin: Sunscreen and other protective measures can help preserve existing collagen by preventing damage from UV radiation.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in regulating calcium metabolism in the body. It is mainly associated with bone and bone density. Loss of bone density also affects the appearance of skin giving that sallow look.

Benefits: Helps with skin repair and reduces the appearance of dark circles and bruises. It also plays a role in managing skin elasticity and firmness.

Sources: Leafy greens (kale, spinach), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and fermented foods.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that is widely known for its skin benefits, especially in the realm of hydration and anti-aging. It is found in connective tissues, skin, eyes, and joints.Its primary role is to retain moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it incredibly effective at hydrating and plumping the skin.

Benefits: Intense Hydration, Improves Skin Elasticity, Enhances Skin Barrier, Soothes and Calms, Promotes Wound Healing.

Sources: Supplemental Hyaluronic Acid can be found in topicals, injections and capsule forms. Hyaluronic acid is not typically found in high amounts in most foods, but some foods contain nutrients that support the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid. Those foods include: bone broth, soy products, root vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fruits and fermented products.


Bamboo silica, often derived from bamboo extract, is a natural source of silica—a mineral essential for maintaining healthy connective tissues, including skin, hair, and nails. Bamboo silica comes from the bamboo plant, particularly from its stems and leaves. Bamboo is one of the richest natural sources of silica, containing high levels of this mineral in its structure. Silica (also known as silicon dioxide) is a trace mineral found in various plants and is crucial for the synthesis of collagen and connective tissues.

Benefits: Supports Skin Health through Collagen Production and aiding in maintaining Skin Elasticity.
Strengthens Hair: Promoting Hair Growth and Shinier Hair. Strengthens Nails. Also supports bones, cartilage and joint flexibility.

Sources: Supplements are available in various forms, including powders, capsules, and tablets. These supplements provide a concentrated dose of silica. There are other sources of silica but bamboo silica is only available from bamboo, other than supplements you could try Bamboo Shoots, or Bamboo tea.

Omega 3 Fish Oil – Krill Oil

Omega-3 fish oil is a dietary supplement derived from the tissues of oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fats that the body cannot produce on its own. Krill oil is a dietary supplement derived from tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans called krill, primarily harvested from the cold waters of the Antarctic. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, similar to fish oil, but offers some unique benefits. Krill contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Primarily EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are beneficial for heart and brain health. In addition, Krill also has Astaxanthin: A powerful antioxidant that gives krill its reddish color and helps protect against oxidative stress.

Benefits: Both oils are beneficial for skin health, but they differ in their sources and some specific benefits. Fish oil is often more widely available and may be more effective for general omega-3 intake, while krill oil offers additional antioxidant properties.

Omega 3 Fish Oil offers Hydration: Helps improve skin moisture and hydration.
Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation, which can help with conditions like acne and psoriasis.
Anti-Aging: May improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
UV Protection: Some studies suggest omega-3s can provide some protection against UV damage.

Kroll Oil offers Rich in Antioxidants: Contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the skin from oxidative stress.
Better Absorption: Omega-3s in krill oil are bound to phospholipids, which may enhance absorption.
Anti-Inflammatory: Similar to fish oil, krill oil can help reduce inflammation, benefiting skin health.
Moisture Retention: Can also aid in maintaining skin hydration and reducing dryness.

Sources: Omega-3 Fish Oil – Fatty fish (e.g., salmon, mackerel, sardines), Fish oil supplements, Algal oil (a vegetarian source of omega-3s). Krill Oil – Small crustaceans known as krill, typically harvested from cold ocean waters and Krill oil supplements.

In conclusion, nurturing your skin from the inside out is just as important as the products you apply topically. Incorporating a variety of vitamins into your diet can lead to healthier, more radiant skin. From the antioxidant power of Vitamin C to the hydrating benefits of Vitamin E, each vitamin plays a unique role in supporting skin health. By focusing on a balanced diet rich in these essential nutrients, along with a proper skincare routine, you can achieve that glowing complexion you’ve always desired. Remember, consistency is key—so embrace these vitamins and watch your skin thrive!


Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them

By definition, a myth is a widely held but false belief or idea. There are a few essential oil myths that are easy to dispel. After we take apart these myths you will see why you need to use them.

Myth #1 – Essential Oils are Too Expensive

Myth #2 – Essential Oils are Confusing

If you are not taught or exposed to something at an early age trying something new can feel overwhelming and confusing.  No fear here. Using essential oils is not an all or nothing. When you use or start to use essential oils it could be one oil in one capacity.

Back when I started using essential oils over 30 years ago it initially began with one oil for one reason. When I smelled Ylang Ylang I feel in love with the smell, I used it as perfume. At that time the scene I was a part of predominately smelled of clove and patchouli. I wanted something different thus started my quest to learn about essential oils.  From there I quickly discovered the essential oil benefits for skin and hair. Now I can find an essential oil solution for almost any issue or use.

With the world we live in now, where it has become popular to move away from the heavy chemicals in products and find natural solutions. Using nature to heal, clean, beautify oneself and more is not a new concept and has been happening since the start of time.  With the internet as a source of vast information it is easy to learn about essential oils and their uses.

My advice to wipe the confusion out is to start with one oil and one use. An example would be Lavender, Lavender is one of the most popular and versatile oils. Here are a few things you can do with Lavender(aside from using a diffuser):

  • Apply a drop to a bug bite and rub in (it will relieve itching),
  • Add a drop or two to your hand sanitizer. Most hand sanitizers are high in alcohol which can be drying to the skin, Lavender will help your skin retain moisture. Bonus: it has a nice calming scent.
  • Rub a couple drops to the bottom of your feet before bedtime for restful sleep.
  • Add a few drop to a spray bottle filled with distilled water. Instant air freshener. Plus Lavender is an antioxidant and supports brain function. 
  • Stinky car? Stinky shoes? Place a cotton ball with a couple drops of Lavender under the seat in your car. It will help you destress after work. Or place the cotton ball inside your shoes to neutralize the odor.

I could go on but I think you get my point, Essential Oil Myth #2  – dispelled. If you have a question feel free to send me an email.

Myth #4 – Essential Oils are not Effective

This myth is the easiest for my to dispel, from my own experience I have a multitude of examples.  While currently there is no scientific research that shows essential oils can cure diseases there is proof that they can assist in easing symptoms. There is plenty of research that shows essential oils can benefit our daily lives and routines.

Essential oils can enhance mood, relieve stress, bring positive desired effects to skin and hair, effectively clean and disinfect, heal skin irritations, balance hormones, fight infections, support digestion, oral care, general health and so much more. 

Here are some examples of how essential oils have been effective in my life:

  • When I had some health issues, my hair was falling out in clumps. My hair was everywhere. I have fine hair anyway so loosing any of it was devastating to me. I have a background in the hair & skin care industry so I could not allow this to happen to me. Plus with feeling ill I didn’t want to look ill too. I came up with this spray that I would spray on and massage in my scalp after washing my hair. After a month, I was only losing the normal few strands a day and my hair felt healthier. I mixed Rosemary, Chamomile, Jasmine and Geranium Essential Oils with distilled water and a touch of coconut oil.
  • As I mentioned in previous posts, I have a large senior dog. One day he lost his footing in the car and pulled his hind quarters.  It breaks my heart to see a dog in pain. I did 2 things that got him moving around the way he was before the injury. 1. I added Chamomile, Lavender and Copaiba essential oils to the diffuser in the room. The essential oils I used are safe for dogs. 2. I took a couple drops of Copaiba Essential oil mixed with coconut oil and massaged it into his hips and hind legs in the am & pm. 2 days later he was able to go for his walks in the park again.
  • I have a friend that took a bad fall and got some scraps on her face. So, I gave her a product I was working on(soon to be available to the public). I made an all natural face & body whip. It is intense hydration for the skin that contains 7 different essential oils with shea butter, coconut oil, vitamin E and more. Not only did it heal her scraps faster it improved the overall look and feel of her skin.

I could make a whole post just about the wonders I have seen with the use of essential oils.  Remember essential oils are not just about their smell, they have a host of beneficial properties. Essential Oil Myth #4 – dispelled.

Myth #5 – I am not a Hippie & do not Want to Smell Like One

Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them would not be complete without this one. This one always cracks me up! Our sense of smell is so powerful. We associate smells with memories, that can be a good or bad thing. Essential oils are the essence of a particular plant so some can have a powerful scent. If at some point in your life you were exposed to a non-pleasant scent, you may associate that with all essential oil scents. Yes, maybe Clove or Patchouli have that “hippie” smell to some people but there are so many different essential oils with different uses and scents.

There are flower, citrus, woodsy scents and more. Some have a delicate aroma where others may pack more of a punch. With over 100 different essential oil scents, there are many to chose from. In addition, you can blend different oils to customize a scent. That gives you thousands of options. If you do not like a particular scent, don’t use it. 

As an example, you may gravitate to citrus scents, Bergamot Essential Oil has a soft, pleasant citrus note. Bergamot is uplifting yet relaxing and has many benefits to health from digestion to fighting infections. 

Or you may like Neroli Essential Oil which is extracted from the flowers of bitter orange trees. It is not an overpowering scent. It is a flower scent with citrus overtones, to me it smells soft and fresh. The benefits as for all essential oils are vast. Neroli is excellent for aging skin, helps with pain/inflammation, has aphrodisiac properties and much more. Essential Oil Myth #5 – dispelled




Now that you know more about Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them, it’s your turn to invite the effects of essential oils into your life.




Summertime Survival Kit with Essential Oils

Includes Recipes for Sun Screen, Sun Burn, Bug Bites & Bug Repellent

It’s that time of year when we ready ourselves for Summer. No matter where you are in the country, Summertime is a state of mind. For some of us it is a change to warm weather, others it’s vacation time. No matter where you are Summer is usually the time where we spend more time outdoors. That is why we need a Summertime Survival Kit with Essential Oils.

Since we are spending more time in nature wouldn’t it be better to protect ourselves naturally? Essential Oils can do that. More time outside means more exposure to sun and insects. Essential oils can help with sun burn, as a sun screen, to repel bugs or if you get a bug bite, all without using harmful chemicals and things that can damage your skin. Keep reading and I will share recipes for your Summertime protection.

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Whether we are spending time in the backyard, the park or the beach our biggest issues are sun burn and bug bites. I am going to address protecting the skin from the sun with a screen and if you do get burned a good topical to use. As well as repelling the bugs and what to use if you do get bit.

Sun Screen

The sun while it feels great on our skin, does wonders for our health and positivity it can also do some damage. Damage including dull, dry skin, premature aging and cancer. To read more about the damage to unprotected skin from the sun click here. We can protect our skin naturally with essential oils from sun damage. The first item in our Summertime Survival Kit with Essential Oils is Carrot Seed Oil.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil has so many benefits especially for your skin.

  • It stimulates cell renewal
  • Tightens and rejuvenates the skin
  • Repairs damaged skin
  • It is an antifungal
  • Balances and retains moisture
  • Protects the skin from elements/environment
  • Repairs sun spots and heals wounds
  • Has a SPF of 35 – 40

Using Carrot Seed Oil only will not provide you with full protection. You will need to mix it with a couple items.

Summertime Survival Kit Carrot Seed Essential Oil Sun Screen

Ingredients you will need: Carrot Seed Essential Oil, Coconut Oil and Zinc Oxide The SPF of coconut oil alone is 4 – 6 SPF, Shea Butter SPF 4 – 6 and Zinc Oxide is 2 – 20 SPF based on it’s quality. You can also add some Red Raspberry Seed Oil which has an SPF of 25- 50.

Ingredient List:

  • 1/4 cup Shea Butter
  • 1/4 cup Coconut Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Zinc Oxide
  • 1 teaspoon Carrot Seed Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Red Raspberry Seed Oil (optional)
  • 5 drops Lavender Essential Oil (optional) I add this for the fragrance and the additional skin benefits

Melt the Shea Butter and Coconut Oil over low heat. Either use a double boiler, microwave water in bowl and place another bowl over water bowl or just in a pan over very low heat. DO NOT leave unattended or use too high of heat.

After Shea and Coconut oil are melted stir in other ingredients. Mix well. Slightly cool then transfer to a jar or appropriate container and let fully cool then it is ready to use. I prefer to whip it after it is fully cooled. I just transfer it to my KitchenAid and whip on high then transfer it to a jar with tight seal. I like it whipped as the consistency of the product has a much lighter feel on my skin.

Sun Burn

No one intentionally wants a sun burn, but it happens sometimes. Even with sun screen we can still get a little pink at times. The sun can damage the skin as well as pull out it’s moisture and nutrients. That is why it is always a good idea after time in the sun to put back and use an after sun spray or lotion, even if you aren’t suffering a burn.

Remember there are different degrees of burns. If you are suffering 3rd degree or higher immediately seek medical attention.

Summertime Survival Kit After Sun Spray

This spray is great to apply after a day out in the sun. It will soothe and benefit your skin putting in what the sun took out.


  • 2 oz spray bottle
  • 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 15 drops Jojoba Oil
  • Water

Mix ingredients transfer to spray bottle. Use liberally as needed. Shake well before use. This spray works so well because of the amazing benefits of the ingredients.

Lavender will calm inflammation and help soothe skin. It will promote new skin cell growth. This wonderful essential oils will also speed up healing and keep the area clean with it’s antiseptic properties.

Peppermint will temporarily reduce pain. It contains menthol so it will help cool the skin. This minty essential oil will help soothe the skin and leave you feeling regenerated and fresh.

Frankincense will help your skin heal quicker. It’s moisturizing properties will help soothe your skin, bring down inflammation and has antiaging properties.

Tea Tree oil has healing and soothing properties. It can regenerate tissue that has been damaged by the sun. It will soothe the inflamed skin. DO NOT apply Tea Tree oil to the skin prior to sun exposure as it can intensify sun sensitivity.

Jojoba Oil is an excellent oil for skin, it is the closest to our own natural sebum. Jojoba is a great emollient for skin – smoothing and softening. It offers anti-oxidant protection and anti-inflammatory properties to soothe skin.

Bug Repellent

No Summertime Survival Kit with Essential Oils would be complete without addressing the tiniest skin agitator – BUGS. Insect bites are bothersome, itchy, can cause pain and in some cases be dangerous. There are many bug repellents out there – they contain dangerous chemicals. Chemicals that we can’t even pronounce like N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide, Cyfluthrin, and Permethrin. These chemicals while they may be effective in deterring bugs they can have damaging effects to people. These chemicals are linked to neurotoxicity and are shown to breakdown slowly in the environment.

What if you could naturally deter bugs with no damaging effects to your skin, health or the environment? That is what essential oils can do. Essential oils come from nature and can actually provide more benefits. We need to protect ourselves as insects can expose us to many diseases why not do it naturally.

  • Romance Body Wash & Lotion
  • IE Natural Body Products
Summertime Survival Kit Bug Repellent Spray

If you live in an area with a heavy mosquito presence, the Natural Bug Spray is a must have. It has a few ingredients but well worth it. Do not let the number of ingredients deter you this recipe is effective and cost effective.

The ingredients you will need are:

  • Witch Hazel
  • 2 oz glass spray bottle( if you have a larger bottle just increase ingredient amounts accordingly)
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • Lemongrass Essential Oil
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Cedarwood Essential Oil
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil

For the complete recipe click here.

Bug Bite Relief Roll on or Spray

If you do happen to get bite by a mosquito, flea or the like you may experience swelling of that area, itching and redness. The itching alone can be enough to drive you batty. There is relief for the symptoms naturally with essential oils.

This relief roll on will provide soothing relief, bring down the inflammation and help it to heal quicker. The ingredients you will need:

  • 2 oz glass roller ball bottle or 2oz glass spray bottle
  • Witch Hazel 1/2 oz
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil 3/4 oz
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 8 drops
  • Lemongrass Essential Oil – 8 drops
  • Basil Essential Oil – 8 drops
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – 5 drops

Mix ingredients together – transfer to bottle. I prefer to use a roller ball as opposed to a spray. With a roller ball you get the ingredients directly on the bite. Shake well before each use.

Why this combo of ingredients?

  • Lavender – antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, natural analgesic and will help heal the skin.
  • Lemongrass – Antimicrobial, reduces swelling, calming
  • Basil – anti-bacterial, antifungal, natural itch relief, speed healing
  • Peppermint – Reduces itch, pain and swelling. It’s cooling effect will feel good on the irritated area
  • Witch Hazel – Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, reduces skin irritation
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil – Anti-oxidant, disinfects, hydrating.

It is great to spend time outdoors, nature is beautiful and good for our health especially when you have your Summertime Survival Kit with Essential Oils.. Instead of fighting nature by using heavy and harmful chemicals to protect ourselves outside, work with nature. Protect and heal yourself and your skin with the Inviting Effects of essential oils. Check out some of my others posts to learn more ways to use Essential Oils here.


Love is in the Air – Essential Oil Recipes for Romance

It’s always a good day when Love is in the Air. In this post you will discover Love is in the Air – Essential Oil Recipes for Romance. Whether you are looking to spark the romance or intensify it, these essential oil combos will did just that for you.

What is Romance

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What is Considered Romance?

There are many different definitions of romance. Webster describes it as the following:

romance verb
romanced; romancing
intransitive verb

1: to exaggerate or invent detail or incident
2: to entertain romantic thoughts or ideas
transitive verb

1: to try to influence or curry favor with especially by lavishing personal attention, gifts, or flattery
2: to carry on a love affair with


Romance may mean to some the sincere gestures of a loved one, to others it may mean the love encounter. To me I think it can be best described as an overall warm feeling that we feel for the person of our interest. Romance is a wonderfully positive state of mind.

Sometimes Romance can be a Challenge

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Sometimes romance can be the furthest from our minds, even though we want it. With all of life’s’ stresses and demands romance often takes a back seat. It is important to have romance in your life. Romance is one of the most crucial elements of happiness in relationships. The importance of romance in a relationship cannot be trivialized.

Sometimes we may need a little nudge to spark that romance. That is what these Essential Oil Recipes can do for you to bring what Love is in the Air has to offer.

How Essential Oils Can Help

The benefits of essential oils are vast but what is it about essential oils that can help us in the romance department? Our sense of smell is estimated to be 10,000 times more acute than any of our other senses. It is sensitive to some 10,000 chemical compounds. Once a smell is registered, scent travels faster to the brain than either sight or sound. When we inhale the scent of an essential oil, the molecules travel up the nose where they are registered by the nerves of the olfactory membranes in the nose lining. The molecules stimulate the lining of nerve cells and trigger electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in the brain. The olfactory bulb then transmits the impulses to the amygdala – where emotional memories are stored – and to other parts of the limbic system of the brain.

The limbic system is directly connected to those parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance, this is why essential oils can have profound physiological and psychological effects. Olfactory responses to smells induce the brain to stimulate the release of hormones and neurochemicals that in turn alter the body’s physiology and behavior.

Due to their fragrance and unique molecular composition, essential oils can directly stimulate the limbic lobe and the hypothalamus. Inhalation of essential oils can be used to alleviate stress, have a positive effect on state of mind and induce a relaxed state. It can also be used to stimulate the production of hormones from the hypothalamus. This stimulation may increase production of thyroid hormones and growth hormones.

Essential Oils with Aphrodisiac Effects

My favorite essential oils that can spark romance are Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Jasmine, Neroli, Rose and Clary Sage.

Love is in the Air Essential oils

  1. Ylang Ylang – Ylang Ylang has a rich, sweet floral aroma with hints of Jasmine and Neroli.
  2. Patchouli – Patchouli has an intense smell. It is has a musky and earthy scent.
  3. Jasmine – Jasmine is a beautiful, exotic floral scent.
  4. Neroli – Neroli has a sweet citrus scent. It is light scent with a hint of honey.
  5. Rose – Rose is a sweet floral scent of rose petals.
  6. Clary Sage – Clary Sage has an earthy, herbaceous, slightly floral and slightly fruity scent.

Romantic Essential Oil Blends

There are many blends of essential oils that can spark the romance. I am going to share my favorites.

Romance Blend

Of coarse I will start with my favorite one, so much so that I made it into a body wash and lotion. This a a great blend of Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Bergamot. Not only do these products smell great and make your skin feel amazing the scent encourages the romantic state of mind. For a diffuser blend use 2 drops Ylang Ylang, 2 drops Patchouli and 1 drop Bergamot.

I Smell Romance

I Smell Romance is a lovely scent blend. It contains Patchouli, Neroli and Sweet Orange. I Smell Romance has a musky citrusy scent. For diffusing use 2 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Neroli and 1 drop Sweet Orange.

Something in the Air Tonight

We can’t talk about Love is in the Air and Essential Oil Recipes without talking about one I call Something in the Air Tonight. This blend contains Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Sandalwood. The diffuser blend is 2 drops Ylang Ylang, 2 drops Jasmine and 2 drops Sandalwood.

Love Potion #Mine

I may have used a play on words to name this one but it’s effects are no joke. Love Potion #Mine contains Rose, Clary Sage and Neroli. The diffuser blend is 2 drops Rose, 2 drops Neroli and 1 drop Clary Sage.

Ways to Use Essential Oils to Create Romance

Since our sense of smell is so powerful there are many ways to feel the effects of essential oils.

There is the diffusing method that will fill the air with your desired scent. Diffusers come in all price ranges so it can be an economical choice.

An interactive method between partners would be to add the essential oils to a lotion or massage oil. If you are adding it to a lotion make sure the lotion is unscented. You wouldn’t want to hinder the effects of the essential oil blend.

An ultra easy method is to use Inviting Effects Natural Essential Oil Body Wash & Lotion – Romance Blend. You can shower with the wash and use the lotion after. Only your imagination can inhibit you. The scent is not overpowering and lasts.

Romance is a Wonderful Thing

Try to keep romance alive in your relationships. In a world where stress has become a constant our romances can actually save us. Sometimes the stresses may make it difficult but that is where essential oils can assist. Or maybe you need to spark the romance, essential oils can assist there too. Welcome the Inviting Effects of essential oils into your life.…


Essential Oils to Help You Keep Your New Years Resolution

Whether we call it a resolution or a goal, we all set something we want to accomplish within the coming year. This past year has been like no other and I am sure we all would like to see a brighter year. There are essential oils to help you keep your New Years Resolution or goals. In this post the most common resolutions will be matched with essential oils that will help you stick to that resolution.

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What is a Resolution?

A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life.

History of New Years Eve Resolutions

The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. They were also the first to hold recorded celebrations in honor of the new year—though for them the year began not in January but in mid-March, when the crops were planted. Click here to learn more about the history of the resolution.

Keep Your Resolution Positive

When setting your resolution it is just like setting a goal. Keep your resolution positive. Do not use negative words or terms. Instead of setting as a resolution to lose weight or don’t eat junk food say achieve a healthy weight or consume only healthy foods. By using negative words you are starting on a negative track.

Set a Realistic Goal with a Plan

To ensure success with your resolution set a realistic goal. By that I mean if you need to lose 200# it’s unrealistic to tackle that in one resolution. Or if you want to work out 7 days a week and you currently do not work out at all it will be harder to start at 7 days and maintain that. A better plan would be to start with a goal for 2 days per week for the first month. Then move to 3 days, 4 days etc. By setting realistic goals you are more likely to keep them and incorporate them as routine. Also, when you set smaller goals as part of your master goal you can celebrate yourself all along the way for your achievements this will motivate you.

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Common New Years Resolutions

In this post I will look at the most common resolutions people set. They are: achieving a healthy weight, being more active, eating healthier, being more positive and learning a new skill. See how they are all phrased in a positive voice? Then I will provide suggestions for Essential Oils to Help you Keep Your New Years Resolution.

Essential Oils to Help You Keep on Track

Setting a resolution can be hard but sticking to it can be even harder. While it will take determination and hard work on your part, essential oils can assist you in your quest. Incorporating essential oils into your routines can help motivate you and keep your mindset.

Achieve & Maintain a Healthy Weight

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most common resolutions, especially after the indulgent holidays. Good essential oils to assist on your journey are Grapefruit Essential Oil, Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil and Bergamot Essential Oil. Healthy Goodness, Highest-Grade Natural Supplements! Fast, Free Shipping!

Grapefruit Essential Oil is a great oil to switch your body into fat burning mode. Grapefruit contains nootkatone which is a compound that aids in increases your metabolism.

Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil can help with sugar cravings. It is known for stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Peppermint Essential Oil can help you from overeating. It is widely know for its digestive health properties.

Bergamot Essential Oil is a great essential oil. Like other citrus oils, Bergamot can assist you with your motivation and mindset. Studies have shown that Bergamot has a positive effect on weight loss.

Be More Active/ Exercise More

Essential oils can be a key ingredient to successful work outs. They can be used before, during and after activity. The aroma can motivate you. Essential oils can also be used to alleviate sore muscles from pushing too hard or from starting to use muscles you are not used to using.

Some excellent essential oils to help motivate you are Peppermint Essential Oil, Rosemary Essential Oil and Sweet Orange Essential Oil. These uplifting scents can lift your spirit and motivation. For more exercise motivating essential oils click here.

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Essential oils can can also help with sore muscles and muscle recovery. Nothing can be more demotivating than the pain that can come after an overzealous workout. Some great essential oils for muscle recovery are Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Marjoram Essential Oil and Rosemary Essential Oil. For info on how to use these for muscle recovery click here.

Eat Healthier

After all of the rich foods from Thanksgiving through New Years Eve our bodies would welcome some good healthy foods. Eating healthy and saying no to fast food and junk food can be difficult especially with busy schedules.

To keep you on track and curb cravings, Grapefruit Essential Oil can be of help. By diffusing or inhaling Grapefruit Essential it will motivate you with it’s cheery scent. It also known to curb food cravings. Cinnamon Essential Oil is also great for curbing cravings. Another one which may surprise you is Vanilla Essential Oil. Studies have shown that this oil can help with cutting down on sugary cravings.

Learn a New Skill/Class

Another common resolution that Essential Oils can help you keep is learning a new skill, taking a class or craft. Basically, expanding your knowledge. We should always want to better ourselves so whether it is learning a new craft to make wonderful things or learning a skill/class to increase our earning potential at work expanding the mind is a wonderful thing.

Essential oils can aid in that quest. There are oils to help focus, spark creativity and mental growth. To improve your focus and concentration Vetiver Essential Oil which has a grounding effect on the mind, is excellent. Cypress Essential Oil can also clear your mind to aid focus.

If you are looking to spark your creativity, citrus essential oils work wonders. Tangerine Essential Oil and Bergamot Essential Oil are two good citrus oils for creativity.

For mental growth and expanding your mind, Clary Sage Essential Oil will provide clarity and vision. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil can balance the mind. And Frankincense Essential Oil has been known for sharpening the mind.

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Be More Positive

The final resolution I will look at in our quest to find Essential Oils to Help You Keep Your New Years Resolution is Being More Positive. With everything that has happened in the past year being positive may seem hard to do. Being positive in a negative world is one thing we can do to not only make ourselves feel better but make others feel better too.

Two very important things about positivity are it is contagious and when we put positive energy out to the universe we receive positive back.

There are many essential oils that can aid you in getting and keeping a positive mindset. All essential oils have positive effects. My favorite is Bergamot Essential Oil, I call it my happy oil. Some other essential oils that can induce positivity are Grapefruit Essential Oil, Patchouli Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, Vetiver Essential Oil and Ylang Ylang Essential Oil to name a few.

Ways to Use Essential Oils

To feel the effects of essential oils you have many options to chose from. The most common is diffusing. Diffusers can be used to home, work and even in the car. There are also wearable diffusers that come in the form of a necklace or bracelet.

You can add essential oils to an oil or lotion and massage into your skin. Inviting Effects make Natural Essential Oil Body Washes and Lotions for body use and positive effects.

There are so many options to chose from when looking for ways to incorporate essential oils. An easy and cost effective way is to put on a cotton ball and place in a zip-lock bag. Inhale as needed. Or simply take a whiff from the bottle. If you would like to learn about more ways on how to use essential oils check out this previous post here.

I hope this post gave you some ideas on how you can use essential oils to help you keep your New Years Resolution. Good luck with all your resolutions – stay strong, stay motivated, stay happy & healthy.



7 Essential Oils to Naturally Alleviate Stress – What They Are, How to Use, & Blends

Stress has become such a large part of our lives. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your threshold is or where you live, we all have stress in our lives. Through this post you will discover 7 essential oils to naturally alleviate stress. I will review these essential oils that can help you do that by telling you what they are and how to use them.

The reasons we get stressed vary by individual and are countless. The ramifications of too much consistent stress can be damaging to our health and well being. Read more about The Power of Stress here.

What Are the Essential Oils to Alleviate Stress

Using Essential Oils can be a natural, cost effective and easy way to assist you with the handling of your stresses. There are many Essential Oils that have positive effects on stress. I will only be going through 7 of my favorite Essential Oils to naturally alleviate stress here.


Lavender for Stress

The first essential oil that comes to everyone’s mind when talking about essential oils and aromatherapy is Lavender and with good reason. Lavender is a very versatile oil with many benefits and uses.

For stress purposes, Lavender promotes relaxation. Lavender can be used to treat neurological issues like migraines, stress, anxiety and depression. There is documented research that shows inhaling lavender essential oil vapor can help to prevent brain oxidative stress and improve cognitive impairment.

Since many people suffering from stress also have sleep disturbances which can enhance the effects of stress, Lavender can promote better sleep too. Healthy Goodness, Highest-Grade Natural Supplements! Fast, Free Shipping!

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Jasmine Essential Oil for Stress

Jasmine is one of my favorite scents. It is a soothing, beautiful flower scent. I use it in almost all of the products I make for myself.

There have been numerous studies that found inhaling Jasmine can alleviate depression. It has been used for hundreds of years as a natural remedy for depression in Asia. Jasmine can improve your mood, help you overcome stress and balance your hormones.

Jasmine is also a natural aphrodisiac. It is said to increase sensuality and libido.


Bergamot Essential Oil for Stress

I call Bergamot the happy Essential Oil. It is in the citrus family. Just smelling this essential oil will put a smile on your face. This citrus scent has been long known to boost your mood.

While citrus essential oils are stimulating Bergamot has a calming, tranquil effect. Bergamot can ease tension. It can reduce your nervous tension which can also be accompanied by anxiety. Bergamot is also known to lower your blood pressure.


Vetiver Essential Oil for Stress

As you can see from the above image, Vetiver is a grass. It is very calming and grounding. Vetiver can clear the mind. It is very useful in relieving stress, tension and anxiety. It has even been successful in treating panic attacks.

Vetiver is also used to treat insomnia and promotes a more restful sleep. While not common to most, Vetiver addresses many common issues we have and does it well.

I started using Vetiver about a year ago and quickly became a fan. It’s scent is pleasant and not overpowering.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Stress

I have been in love with Ylang Ylang for over 20 years. Ylang Ylang is a mood enhancer and uplifting. It also as aphrodisiac properties. It lowers the body’s stress response. That itself is a remarkable property but Ylang Ylang has a lot to offer.

Ylang Ylang promotes relaxation, balances emotions, controls cortisol production and assist in controlling your hypertension.

The scent of Ylang Ylang has a clean scent that is not over flowery. Just breathing it in brings a wave of calm.

Clary Sage

Clary Sage is excellent for calming the mind. It reduces the feelings of anxiety and promotes a peaceful state of mind. Clary Sage has tested successful as a natural treatment for depression.

It has a cooling, comforting effect on the body and relaxing and settling for the mind. The scent of Clary Sage has an outdoorsy, slight minty smell. For those that do not like floral scents will find Clary Sage very appealing.


You have heard of people suggesting Chamomile tea when you are having trouble sleeping. There is a good reason for that. Even more effective than the tea Chamomile Essential Oil has a soothing effect and promotes a restful sleep. Having restful sleep is an excellent weapon for your body to fight stress.

Chamomile is know to calm nerves which will lessen anxiety. It can lessen our feelings of tension. The smell of Chamomile has a fresh subtle scent, very gender neutral.

How to Use


To incorporate Essential Oils into your life simply run a diffuser while you are doing your normal activities. A diffuser is a relatively inexpensive investment that can have positive effects for you. Amazon has a wide range to chose from. You can get a decent one for under $20.00 if you are just starting out. There are many options to match your décor and needs.

Air Spray

Another way to incorporate without a diffuser would be to create an air spray. In a spray bottle, preferably glass, mix together the essential oil(s) of your choice with distilled water. Use the spray to fill the air with your desired scent. This method also works great for bedtime. Spray on your pillow, blanket and the air around your bed just before bedtime for a nice relaxing sleep.

Shower Steamers/Bath Bombs

Destress with a shower or bath. For a relaxing bath you can use a bath bomb made with essential oils or directly add a few drops of essential oil to your bath water. If you are more of a shower person, like me, Shower Steamers are a great way to experience the effects of Essential Oils. Just by placing a steamer on the floor of your shower and inhaling the essential oils scent, can make for a wonderful shower. Inviting Effects makes a great All Natural Essential Oil Shower Steamer. If you want to know more about shower steamers read this post.

Your Hands

You can use your hands. Place 1 – 2 drops of the oil into your palms. Rub your hands together then cup your hands over your nose and inhale. A couple things to keep in mind with this method are to thoroughly face your hands before and after. Also avoid your eye area.


Cotton Balls

The easiest for anyone to use without fuss would be the cotton ball method. Simply apply a few drops of essential oil to the cotton ball. Then you can place the cotton ball in a zip lock bag and inhale as needed. Or place the cotton ball on a saucer at your desk.

SERENE Body Wash & Lotion

Inviting Effects makes an all natural essential oil body wash and lotion. The SERENE blend is calming and relaxing. Use the body wash in the shower to help unwind or use the lotion anytime. The bonus with these products is not only will you alleviate your stress but your skin will feel amazing.


Here are a few of my favorite blends for Stress Relief:

Serene: Vetiver, Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Grapefruit.

Smile: Lavender, Bergamot and Lemon

Restful: Lavender, Clary Sage, Sandalwood

Ease: Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot

If you would like more information about blends or a specific blend for a specific need you have – comment below and we can talk.

As you can see these 7 Essential Oils are essential to naturally alleviate stress. In a world where stress is everywhere we turn it’s nice to have a natural pleasant alternative to reducing our stress. We can’t avoid stress but there is an enjoyable way to lessen it.

When you invite the effects of essential oils into your life, you will see the wonderous effects nature has given us.


10 Reasons to Start Using Essential Oils

While there are more than 10 reasons to start using Essential Oils, I am only discussing 10 in this post. I am sure once you go through my list your creativity will kick in and you will see the wonders of essential oils too.

I started getting into essential oils in my 20’s. At that time it was mostly for beauty purposes. Today, after all that time I am still finding new uses and combinations.

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Keep in mind that incorporating essential oils into your life is very beneficial, it doesn’t mean you have to go all in and purchase every essential oil available. It doesn’t mean you have to be a fanatic. It can be as simple as integrating one or two oils into one or two components of your life.

What are Essential Oils?

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile (easily evaporated at normal temperatures) compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetherolea, or simply as the oil of the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An essential oil is “essential” in the sense that it contains the “essence of” the plant’s fragrance—the characteristic fragrance of the plant from which it is derived.[1] The term “essential” used here does not mean indispensable or usable by the human body, as with the terms essential amino acid or essential fatty acid, which are so called because they are nutritionally required by a given living organism.[2]

While there are countless uses for essential oils, let’s start on the list of reasons why you should start incorporating them in your daily life.

1. Essential Oils are a Natural Alternative

Essential oils are gifts of nature compressed into small drops. Nature, aside from being beautiful contains so many wonderful elements. When we can use something so natural and good for us why would we chose harsh chemicals that are not compatible with our own bodies?

Essential oils are the perfect alternative for use in cleaning, skin care, hair care, fragrance and more.

2. Essential Oils are Cost Effective


Since essential oils are so concentrated, they make a very cost effective choice. In many conventional products you are paying for water and ineffective ingredients.

Here are some examples of just how concentrated and precious essential oils are.

Lavender Essential Oil(15ml) = 3 pounds of lavender flowers

Rose Essential Oil (5ml) = 242,000 rose petals

Lemon Essential Oil (15ml) = 50 lemons

A 15 ml bottle of essential oil containing 320 – 400 drops per bottle.(drops vary based on type/thickness of oil). When using an essential oil for most things you are using a few drops. Based on an average cost of a 15 ml bottle of essential oil, it comes to mere cents per drop. I call that extremely cost effective.

3. Essential Oils are Customizable

Essential Oils are customizable to your needs. Meaning you have a wide open canvas of possibilities. There are endless options of blends you can use for diffusing. Diffusion is any method or device that disperses essential oil molecules into the air.

Other than diffusing, there are many was to incorporate essential oils into your daily routine. Incorporating essential oils into your life doesn’t mean you have to make everything you use from scratch. You can use essential oils to make some of your current/favorite products better.

Some examples of improving products could be hand sanitizers, shampoo, conditioner, lotions and more. Given the state of the world now we are all using quite a bit more hand sanitizer. Let’s say you don’t like the smell or you notice it dries your hands out. You could make your own hand sanitizer using essential oils. Recipe here. Or you can customize your current hand sanitizer. Add a few drops of lavender or sweet orange to improve the smell. Lavender acts as an antiseptic and moisturizers skin. Sweet Orange has antiseptic and antioxidant properties as well as boosting your mood.

4. Essential Oils are Versatile

The versatility of essential oils are vast. Whether making products, improving products or diffusing essential oils can be used in so many different ways.

I myself, use essential oils for diffusing, in my laundry products, skin care, hair care, for better sleep, freshening my trash cans and car. I also use them with my senior dog.

As an example of how versatile just one essential oil can be, let’s look at Lavender. Lavender is a common easily available oil. It can be used in all the things I listed above and more.

Each essential oil has multiple properties that can solve multiple issues. Inviting Effects created a line of natural essential oil body washes and lotions.


5. Essential Oils Have Amazing Effects

I am only half way through my list of 10 reasons to start using essential oils and I must touch on the effects they have. The effects of essential oils are boundless. They can have amazing effects on all areas of your life. While there are many more, I am going to just site one of the effects that essential oils can have on your life in this section. The other sections of this post have more.

Essential oils can have remarkable effects on your skin. From anti-aging to clearing acne. I only use Inviting Effects body products and essential oil serum on my face. After all my years in the beauty industry, essential oils products have made my skin the best it has felt in years.

6. Essential Oils Provide Better Results

This may seem repetitive but essential oils can give you better effects. Even if you are just adding essential oils to a current product that you use and like, the results you will achieve are far superior.

As an example, I like my hair conditioner I have been using for years. I didn’t want to mess with a good thing. I was using essential oil products on my skin so I thought why not try to improve on what I thought was fine. I added Jasmine and Geranium to my conditioner. Wow! I turned what I thought I liked into something I love. Adding those 2 essential oils to my conditioner made my hair softer, shinier and healthier.

That is just one example and supports my position that essential oils do make things better with better results. I have many more examples that will be shared in upcoming posts.

7. Essential Oils are Easy to Use

Essential oils can be relatively easy to use there are few safety and general guidelines to follow.

  1. When just starting with essential oils, always use a carrier. Do not apply an essential oil directly to the skin. While there are some oils that can be used in this fashion, as a novice it is best to remember they are very concentrated.

2. Always wash your hands before and after handling essential oils.

3. Use quality therapeutic grade essential oils. If you use poor quality you will get poor results.

4. Do not ingest. While there are some oils safe to consume internally, it is best to consult an expert first. Some oils can be harmful if ingested.

5. Do not use if pregnant or on small children. There are some essential oils that may be harmful to pregnant women or children – again consult an expert. As well as not all essential oils are good around pets. Always check an essential oil before use.

6. More isn’t always better. Remember essential oils are highly concentrated. For general purposes use a dilution rate of 2 – 3%. This means for every teaspoon of carrier oil you would add 2 – 3 drops.

8. Essential Oils Have Mood Benefits

Feeling stressed? Blue? Need to focus? There is an essential oils for that and more? Our sense of smell is very powerful. Inhaling a particular scent can change your mood and create positive results. Through inhaling an essential oil it sends signals to the brain which can alter your state. We often associate smells with memories – good or bad.


By diffusing an essential oil into the air...

5 Benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil

Getting Started

Experiencing the 5 benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil can be an easy task. Getting started or trying essential oils doesn’t have to be daunting. If you are not an essential oil collector like me, it is easy to get started. I have well over 70 different essential oils. You do not by any means need to have many oils to experience the amazing effects of essential oils. A couple of oils can give you many options of benefits.  

In my many conversations with people about essential oils the dominant thought from most seems to be they do not have the time or ambition to get many oils and figure out what to do with them. That is where I come in. In my next few posts I will be covering a few essential oils that you can use and that can be staples in your quest to experience the wonders of essential oils.

There are a few things to remember when working with essential oils. Always use a carrier, do not apply essential oils directly to skin/ingest. There are some oils and times when you can but as a rule use a carrier. Keep in the forefront of your mind that essential oils are concentrated, more isn’t always better when working with oils. Dilution of 2% (everyday healthy adult use)would be approximately 2 drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil. To learn more about dilution rates click here. Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling essential oils.

Grapefruit History

It is believed that in ancient times the grapefruit was a forbidden fruit. It came about as somehow someone crossed sweet oranges with pomelo. In the 1800s grapefruit came to the US. We commonly associate grapefruits with breakfast. And in the 80s grapefruit gained popularity for weight loss and it’s fat burning properties. Click here to learn more about the history of grapefruit.



Creating Grapefruit Essential Oil

Just like its citrus relatives Grapefruit is very high in vitamin C. The peel of the grapefruit is where all the goodness of this essential oils comes from. The process of extracting this goodness from the peel is done through cold compression. This process is where key ingredients get extracted to give the essential oil its beneficial properties. Some of these ingredients include limonene, alpha-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, geraniol, linalool, citronellal, decyl acetate, neryl acetate, and terpineol.

1. Improves Skin Health

For those that know me, I will start with two of my favorite things – skin and hair. The skin benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil are multiple. Grapefruit Essential Oil has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. These properties make it an excellent choice for skin care. It can assist with clearing acne and healing wounds. It can combat the excessive greasiness that some acne sufferers may encounter. The antioxidant properties are perfect for skin in regards to anti-aging. Grapefruit Essential Oil is a good component to healthy, smooth skin.

There are some easy ways to incorporate Grapefruit Essential Oil into your skin care regimen. Inviting Effects has 2 body washes and lotions that contain Grapefruit Essential Oil. AWAKEN Natural Essential Oil Body Wash, AWAKEN Natural Essential Oil Body Lotion, SERENE Natural Essential Oil Body Wash and SERENE Natural Essential Oil Body Lotion. If you are just looking to add the benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil to your current products it is as easy as adding a few drops of the essential oil to your body wash, lotion or facial lotion.

2. Haircare Use & Benefits

Continuing with the 5 benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil brings us to haircare. If your body had a business card, it would be your hair and skin. Because of its antibacterial properties Grapefruit Essential Oil is excellent for cleansing hair and scalp. It also will help with the greasiness that some individuals can experience with overactive oil glands.

Grapefruit Essential Oil when added to your shampoo or conditioner can give you healthier, shinier hair with additional volume. If you color your hair it may help add protection for sun damage. If you are already using Inviting Effects AWAKEN or SERENE Natural Essential Oil Body Wash, which contains Grapefruit Essential Oil, it is gentle enough but effective at cleansing hair and scalp.

Essential Oils = Shiny Healthy Hair

3. Stress Management & Relief

We all have some sort of stress in our lives, especially these days with everything that is going on. The wonderful fresh citrus scent of Grapefruit Essential Oil can assist with your stress management.

The scent of grapefruit is uplifting yet soothing. The smell can bring on feelings of relaxation, peace yet bring positive feelings forward. Research shows that inhaling grapefruit essential oil can help turn on relaxation responses within the brain. It can even lower your blood pressure naturally.

To use Grapefruit Essential Oil for relaxation you can simply run it in a diffuser. By doing so, you will fill the air with this uplifting scent while relaxing or doing normal activities. If you do not have a diffuser there are a number of different ways to fill the air. You can create an air spray with distilled water, witch hazel. Or use a roller ball with Grapefruit Essential Oil and a carrier oil to create your own travel size, personal stress reliever. Place a few drops in a saucer and inhale when needed. Or easiest of all, place a few drops on a cotton ball. Place the cotton ball in a plastic bag and inhale as needed.

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4. Reduce Inflammation, Increase Circulation

Citrus essential oils are known to help lower inflammation and increase circulation. Grapefruit Essential Oil is one of those great citrus oils. The blood vessel-dilating effects of grapefruit oil may be useful as a natural remedy for PMS, cramps, headaches, bloating, fatigue and muscle pains.

One of the key ingredients extracted from the grapefruit is limonene. Limonene interacts with a number of systems in the body. Studies are still being done, but early results suggest limonene may have several health benefits.

Limonene may help reduce chronic inflammation in the body. While more studies must be done, early trials suggest that limonene may help reduce a number of factors connected to chronic inflammation. Since inflammation factors into a number of chronic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and certain forms of cancer, reducing inflammation may help lower your risk of developing these conditions and improve the health of people living with them.

Simply add your grapefruit essential oil to a carrier oil or lotion and massage into affected areas.

5. Disinfecting Cleaning Products

The 5th benefit I will be talking about is disinfecting cleaning. We should always keep things clean but the COVID-19 outbreak has made us more conscious to do so. We have been conditioned that if we smell bleach and strong cleaning agents we assume it’s clean. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could use something to clean and disinfect that would also have a pleasant scent and a positive feeling? Well, Grapefruit Essential oil is that nice addition to cleaning.

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You can use Grapefruit Essential oil to create a disinfecting spray. Remember earlier in this post I mentioned that grapefruit has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Grapefruit Essential oil will kill bacteria and odors on surfaces.

To make a disinfecting spray you will need a spray bottle(preferable glass when using essential oils), distilled water, vinegar and grapefruit essential oil. Mix equal parts of the water and vinegar. Then add 10-15 drop of essential oil. Now you will be able to enjoy the clean during as well as after.


In conclusion, I think you may agree Grapefruit Essential Oil has some great benefits and uses. There are many more than the ones I have listed. Some additional benefits include assisting with weight loss, boosting your mood, and boosting your metabolism. Add to that igniting your creativity and lifting brain fog.

Nature has so many solutions for our daily problems and issues. Invite essential oil effects into your life for positive environmentally clean results.


10 Easy Things You Can Do with Essential Oils

There is a multitude of wonderful things you can do with essential oils.  I will be covering 10 easy things you can do with essential oils that will not only be a welcome alternative to toxic chemicals but will also save you time and money.

First, what are essential oils and why are they soooo awesome.

Essential oils are a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing compounds from plants. In simple terms they are plant extracts. They’re made by steaming or pressing various parts of a plant (flowers, bark, leaves or fruit) to capture the compounds that produce fragrance. It can take several pounds of a plant to produce a single bottle of essential oil.

The most common thing most people think about when it comes to essential oils is diffusing. I won’t go into all of the different combinations and positive effects from diffusing. Diffusing will be the topic of another post.

Let’s start on the list with laundry.

  1. Brighten & Freshen Your Laundry
    If you want your colors brighter, your whites whiter use an easy mixture of Epsom Salts, Baking Soda and Essential Oils. I add a scoop of this to each load, it really does brighten and freshen my laundry. I especially like using it when I wash doggie blankets. The fresh scent lasts, and with doggie blankets in half of the rooms in the house it helps with keeping things fresh. I have also noticed that over time my colors do not fad as quickly. It is a nice boost to my normal laundry routine without any chemicals. Here is a basic recipe. I use different essential oils in mine. The great thing about all the recipes and ideas is that they can be customized to your preference. You can’t do that with store brands.
  1. Laundry Detergent
    Just as with most things in my life I try to lean more towards natural alternatives and have chemical use to a minimum. I make my own laundry detergent. Use this recipe. The idea of controlling what is in my detergent and how it smells is very appealing to me. I know you may be thinking I don’t have time for that, or it probably costs more. Previously that is what I thought too, but it only takes me 5 minutes to make a gallon and the cost per gallon is only around $2.50. That is less than what I was paying for store brand detergent that contains chemicals and borax. I love this laundry detergent and it really does a good job on all my laundry.

Personal Care Options

3. Hair Care/Skin Care There are so many ways to incorporate essential oils into hair care and skin care. I will share a couple. With my current issues I was noticing my hair was falling out at an alarming rate. What did I do? I turned to essential oils of course. I mixed up a little spray bottle to spray for my hair after washing. It has a few benefits such as it acts as a leave in conditioner, a detangler, it makes my hair grow much faster and it has almost completely stopped my hair from coming out in handfuls. Bonus – my hair feels healthy.  I used Rosemary, Chamomile, Jasmine, Geranium and a bit of Rose. Then I add a little Argon Oil, Coconut Oil, Witch Hazel and Distilled Water. Works great and my hair smells good.

Another easy way to incorporate essential oils into your hair care regimen is to add a couple drops of essential oil to your existing bottle of shampoo and/or conditioner. Depending on the results you are looking for will determine which essential oil(s) you choose. Sandalwood is nice. It can prevent hair loss: By tightening skin tissue, sandalwood essential oil strengthens hair roots for a healthier head of hair. It has anti-dandruff properties. The cooling, anti-bacterial nature of sandalwood soothes sensitive scalps and curbs infections to prevent flaking. Lavender is also a good choice. It is also known for hair growth with a nice relaxing scent. Chamomile is another good choice as it promotes shiny healthy hair.

For your skin care, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to your face cream or cleanser. Dependent on your facial needs will determine which essential oil you choose.

I make a facial serum that I apply morning and night. My serum starts with a mix of coconut, argon and jojoba oils. The essential oils I typically use are Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender and Patchouli I mix it up for different times of the year. Rose essential oil is also great for the skin. Just a couple drops of each. These oils work great for aging skin for smoothness, wrinkles, and glow. These essential oils have many other positive properties from antibacterial to antioxidant.

4. Body Sprays
I prefer body sprays made with essential oils rather than fragrance oils. Fragrance oils are manufactured synthetic scents with added chemicals to enhance the aroma. They are so easy to make and last a long time. I make a bottle(8oz.) and it lasts me a good 5 months plus. (I tend to be a little
generous when I spray) I like the idea that the scent I am wearing is customized to me, by me. The cost? So reasonable. I use essential oils, witch hazel, distilled water and sometimes a little vegetable glycerin. When calculating what I spent on ingredients, per bottle it costs about $3.00. The cost may be small but the smell is amazing and the bonus that nothing toxic is going on my skin. Here are some ideas for body spray recipes.

Lavender is a staple essential oil to have on hand. It has many uses and blends well with other essential oils.


5. Sleepy Time Sleepy time should be your body rejuvenation time, whether you are seeking a sound sleep or relaxing dreams, essential oils can aid you in that quest. There are a number of ways to accomplish better sleep with essential oils.

One way is to use a diffuser. Run a diffuser in your bedroom I suggest a diffuser that has an intermittent setting. With an intermittent setting you will not have an overwhelming scent but a consistent one. Here are some essential oil blends for sleep to try. Another option, would be to make a Sleepy Time Spray. Spray your pillows, blankets and the air shortly before bedtime. To make a spray simply use essential oils and water. For choosing which oils try the diffuser blends above. The next way would be to use a roller ball. Roll the blend on your wrists, temples, feet etc. before bed time. Check this roller ball blend for great sleep.

6. Roller Balls for Specific Concerns Make a roller ball for a specific concern you have. Headaches? Stressed out at work? Anxiety or feeling low?  Or maybe you just need a creativity boost. Whatever your concern, there is an essential oil blend for that.  One roller ball recipe I like is for when I need my creativity and focus. I mix rosemary, peppermint and sweet orange. Here are some roller ball blends to satisfy other needs.

Can’t Forget About Our Fur Babies

7. Pets Not all essential oils are safe around pets. So, if you are experimenting with oils please check first to see if that particular oil is safe on and around pets. For puppies and kittens under 8 weeks old I would just avoid the use of essential oils with these babies. They are still rapidly developing during this time.

Can’t talk about pets without a pic of Goofy.

There are a couple of things I do with essential oils and my Goofy dog. Yes, I named him Goofy because he is. He is very scared when there is a storm. So if I can start the diffuser before the storm starts the lavender will keep him calmer. I also use a flea spray. We go to the park every day so I want to keep him safe but I do not want to put the harmful chemicals on him. I mix together some lemongrass, rosemary with some witch hazel. He gets sprayed on his coat(avoid the eye area). This works great and he has never had fleas as long as I have had him. There is also a tick spray with Rose Geranium essential oil that works great too.

8. Freshen Your Car
We spend a bit of time in our vehicles. With all the soft surfaces in your car it can be an odor trap on wheels. Between the carpet and the seats your vehicle can trap some not so pleasant odors. Here are a couple of easy solutions to keep your car smelling fresh, naturally.

You can spray your soft surfaces with the fabric refresher in #9. I would recommend vacuuming your car first. No essential oil is going to combat the burger remnants that fell under your seat. Generously spray all soft surfaces, close windows and doors and next time you go in your car it will smell fresh. For a continuous pleasant scent, put your favorite essential oil on cotton balls and place under each seat. The scent you choose can have a purpose. For example using Bergamot essential oil. I call Bergamot the happy scent. Bergamot can elevate your mood and alleviate stress.

Around the House

9. Refresh Fabrics
I used to use Febreeze to freshen carpet, curtains my bedding etc. But as with many other things in my home I found a better way. I make my own soft surface refresher. It takes minutes and is more cost efficient without chemicals. The freshness seems to linger longer with this non-chemical alternative. Simply mix distilled water with baking soda and the essential oil scent you want. I use Lavender, Frankincense and Eucalyptus. All three of these essential oils also have disinfecting properties. I spray it everyday on my bedding in between washes so every night when I crawl into bed my sheets, blankets and pillows smell fresh.

10. Deodorize Waste Containers
Your trash can smell and at times so does your trash can. I do not think many of us have the time or energy to wash our trash cans daily. I know I think I am using a liner I should not have to wash it out as often. An easy trick to cut down and eliminate the odor is to take a cotton ball with essential oil and place in the bottom of your can, then put your liner in. Here are a couple of suggestions for which oils to use. Lemongrass is a good odor balancer. Using Peppermint or Spearmint can help deter rodents. Citrus smelling oils or Tea Tree Oil can combat bacteria as well as add a pleasant scent. This is a good idea to use on your exterior...

The Power of Stress

I used to think that stress was nothing, just an excuse people gave when life was well, what life is.  It took me years to realize the power of stress. It is real, it is powerful, and it is dangerous.

So powerful in fact that it can affect your health, your emotions and negatively impact every aspect of your life.

By definition, stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

The thing about stress is it is as individual as each person is. Everyone has a different threshold and different triggers. The more stress you are under and suppress it, you eventually think you can handle more, to the point you think you are immune to it. Key word in that sentence is you think.

I, myself just recently realized how powerful stress is. Stress and how you let stress affect you can be detrimental to your health. The first step is acknowledging it. Please don’t be like me and think acknowledging it and do something about makes you weak. I thought that, I know silly. Taking steps to to improve the stress in your life is the strongest step you can take.

I have had minor health issues for years and had doctors and chiropractors tell me I need to lower my stress level. Two of those doctors even recommended I quit my job. Seriously? Like no job would reduce my stress.

Obviously, I did not listen to the doctors. By ignoring all the signs for years my body finally rebelled. For over a year I was so sick and it took six different doctors, tens of thousands of dollars, procedures, surgery and irreparable damage to my body to get me to pay attention to what was happening to me. It was time to figure it out and do something to get my life back. I was diagnosed with severe Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disease, Adrenal Fatigue and Arthritis. There could be more but out of frustration towards all the doctors that were not listening to me and just tired of all the tests, I stopped going to doctors for awhile.

In some of my upcoming posts, I will discuss many of the drug free options I have tried for relief. I am still searching and researching regimens. Some have helped a little, others a lot and a few did nothing but cost me money and time.

It is extremely important to everyone, please pay attention to the signs and signals your body is giving you. Look at this list below of some signs to look for – pay attention to it, your body and behavior. Know your body and self, you know if something is off, don’t ignore it.

Stress Overload Warning Signs

Digestive Issues

Saying digestive issues is a board statement. Issues can includes nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, acid reflux, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach cramping, excessive gasiness and more. Stress can affect your gut, how you digest and acid production. Please note that these issues by themselves or singularly may not indicate a problem. You also need to look at other possibilities such as what you ate or an illness. You know what is out the the ordinary for your body.

Low Energy/Fatigue

This isn’t your regular I am a little tired but a nap will fix me kind of fatigue. My fatigue is so extreme that by 3:00 pm I can barely keep my eyes open. Your level of fatigue will be different. It is as individualized as you are. This is the symptom that just wipes you out.


Are they headaches or migraines? Both actually qualify. The type of headache you have may vary – sinus headache, tension headache, migraine.

Unexplained Aches/Pains – Muscle Tension

Along with your tension headache you may experience muscle tension. Feeling like you were hit by a truck but no truck in sight.

Difficulty Sleeping or Staying Asleep

Even though you are exhausted, you lay down in bed and now your eyes are wide open. Once you do fall asleep, you wake up multiple times throughout the night. These issues result in never feeling rested or refreshed when this happens over multiple days, weeks, months your health and immune system are at risk.

Pain in Chest/ Overwhelming Anxiety Attack

Years ago I ended up in the ER for chest pain so intense, I thought I was having a heart attack. Heart disease runs in my family so even though I was reluctant to go to the hospital, my doctors office was adamant that I go. That visit should have been a wake up call to me but no. The wake up call came years later after another ER visit for yes again intense chest pains. That time I took it more seriously and started my quest to find answers. Whether you have a history of heart disease in your family or have anxiety attacks, please take them seriously.

Decreased Sexual Desires

I won’t say too much about this. Sex is a great release for stress.  It’s a natural pain reliever: Sex causes increased production of oxytocin, Prior orgasm, oxytocin is released from the brain and is accompanied by the release of endorphins, our natural pain-killing hormone.

Anxious – Constant Fight or Flight Mode

The fight-or-flight response is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival. In response to acute stress, the body’s sympathetic nervous system is activated due to the sudden release of hormones. The sympathetic nervous systems stimulate the adrenal glands triggering the release of catecholamines, which include adrenaline and noradrenaline.* When you are under stress daily or a higher level of stress you are in a constant Fight or Flight state. This constant state is detrimental to your health and well being.

Please pay attention to the above warning signs. These are just physical, there are also many emotional/mental signs to be aware of. I will address these in a later post. I will also be writing multiple posts on ways to keep your stress down.

Hopefully, you realize the power of stress and what havoc it can wreak on your health and well being. Be aware, be mindful, take action when needed and be healthy.
