Posts filed under: For You

10 Vitamins & Supplements That Are Good For Skin

This post will look at 10 vitamins/supplements that are good for keeping your skin healthy and looking beautiful. Note that there are more than ten vitamins that are good for your skin I will just be talking about my favorite 10 that seem to work the best for me. Not all 10 are needed through supplement form.

Our Skin

Our skin is the largest organ in the human body. It’s composed of water, protein, fats, and minerals. It has multiple layers each with its’ own function. Our skin varies in texture and thickness dependent on the part of body it is covering.

Our skin is the only organ that is completely exposed to the elements. It’s also the only organ that we can care for both externally and internally. Think about it, when was the last time you washed your kidneys or put moisturizer on your heart?

The Importance of Internal & External Skin Care

Just as with all of our organs there are many factors that can have effects on them such as environment, stress, health issues, diet, unhealthy habits and more.

Caring for your skin both externally and internally is not just about vanity. Improper or neglect of skin care can lead to skin diseases, premature aging of the skin, thinning of the skin and more. Since your body works together the neglect of one area can lead to issues of other areas too.

The condition of our skin can have extending effects on how we perceive ourselves. If we look good, we feel good. If we feel good, we do good.

No Quick Fix Magic

There is no substitute for the base of good skin which is eating healthy, plenty of water, exercise, sleeping well and a positive mindset. The vitamins and supplements are not recommended in lieu of the previous listed basics they are in addition to. Sometimes it may be difficult to get all the proper nutrients we need from food alone. Whether it be the amount needed to consume, access to it or a preexisting medical condition, it is possible with a good base, knowledge and supplements to get the right nutrients for your skin to illuminate your healthy glow.

Before starting any new supplement or new routine always check with you doctor/health care provider. Always ask them the recommended amount for you and your health, needs, and circumstances.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that helps vision, immune function, reproductive health and body growth. The body does not produce vitamin A, so it does need to come from diet & supplements.

Skin Benefits: Anti-aging, acne prevention, evens hyperpigmentation, improves skin tone, lessens inflammation, moisturizing. Vitamin A is a member of the retinoid family.

Other Sources: Organ meats, fish, egg yolks, milk, cheese, leafy green vegetables, orange & yellow vegetables, tomatoes, mango, cantaloupe, papaya.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin with antioxidants, immune boosting properties, brain function and more. The human body cannot produce or store vitamin C on it’s own. This is why we need to consume it.

Skin Benefits: Boosts collagen production, reduces the appearance of early aging and dark spots, protects against sun damage and reduces redness. Vitamin C also brightens complexion, evens skin tone, and improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Sources: Citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, red peppers, strawberries, kiwi, white potatoes, cantaloupe, tomatoes, papaya and guava.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body can store for long periods of time. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps regulate calcium and phosphorus in the body. It also plays a role in maintaining proper bone structure.

Skin Benefits: Decreases inflammation, protects the skin, improves cell turnover, strengthens skin elasticity, and has anti-aging benefits.

Sources: Sun exposure(always use sunscreen), oily fatty fish, raw shitake, oyster mushrooms, dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt and whole eggs. Other sources include fish oils and dark chocolate.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble compounds with antioxidant effects that protect your cells and support your immune system.

Skin Benefits: Moisturizing, healing, brightening, protecting, anti-aging.

Sources: Nuts(almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, peanut butter), seeds(sunflower, pumpkin), some oils(sunflower, safflower), fish(abalone, salmon, trout), sweet red pepper, butternut squash, avocado, mango and kiwi.


Biotin is a water soluble B-complex vitamin that helps your body breakdown food into energy and supports your nervous system, liver, eyes, hair and skin.

Skin Benefits: Promotes Healthy Skin, Supports Skin Repair, Improves Skin Hydration, Reduces Skin Inflammation, and Supports Collagen Production.

Sources: Egg Yolks, legumes, nuts, seeds, liver, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, bananas, broccoli, yeast, avocados.


Collagen is a type of protein that plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and integrity of various tissues in the body. It’s the most abundant protein in mammals, making up about 30% of the total protein in the human body. Structure and Types Structure: Collagen is made up of long, fibrous proteins that form a scaffold to provide strength and support to tissues. These proteins are composed of amino acids, with glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline being key components.

Types: There are at least 16 types of collagen, but the most common types in the body are:

Type I: The most abundant type, found in skin, tendons, bones, and ligaments.
Type II: Found mainly in cartilage.
Type III: Present in skin, blood vessels, and internal organs.
Type IV: Located in the layers of the skin and other tissues.

Skin Benefits: Improves Skin Elasticity, Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines, Enhances Skin Hydration, Supports Skin Repair and Healing, Boosts Skin Density, Improves Skin Texture

Sources: Collagen levels naturally decrease with age, but there are ways to support and potentially boost collagen production. This includes: Consuming Collagen-Rich Foods: Bone broth, chicken skin, and fish are high in collagen. Taking Collagen Supplements: Hydrolyzed collagen supplements can be easily absorbed and may help improve skin health. Maintaining a Healthy Diet: Foods rich in vitamin C, amino acids, and antioxidants support collagen production. Protecting Your Skin: Sunscreen and other protective measures can help preserve existing collagen by preventing damage from UV radiation.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in regulating calcium metabolism in the body. It is mainly associated with bone and bone density. Loss of bone density also affects the appearance of skin giving that sallow look.

Benefits: Helps with skin repair and reduces the appearance of dark circles and bruises. It also plays a role in managing skin elasticity and firmness.

Sources: Leafy greens (kale, spinach), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and fermented foods.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that is widely known for its skin benefits, especially in the realm of hydration and anti-aging. It is found in connective tissues, skin, eyes, and joints.Its primary role is to retain moisture. It can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, making it incredibly effective at hydrating and plumping the skin.

Benefits: Intense Hydration, Improves Skin Elasticity, Enhances Skin Barrier, Soothes and Calms, Promotes Wound Healing.

Sources: Supplemental Hyaluronic Acid can be found in topicals, injections and capsule forms. Hyaluronic acid is not typically found in high amounts in most foods, but some foods contain nutrients that support the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid. Those foods include: bone broth, soy products, root vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fruits and fermented products.


Bamboo silica, often derived from bamboo extract, is a natural source of silica—a mineral essential for maintaining healthy connective tissues, including skin, hair, and nails. Bamboo silica comes from the bamboo plant, particularly from its stems and leaves. Bamboo is one of the richest natural sources of silica, containing high levels of this mineral in its structure. Silica (also known as silicon dioxide) is a trace mineral found in various plants and is crucial for the synthesis of collagen and connective tissues.

Benefits: Supports Skin Health through Collagen Production and aiding in maintaining Skin Elasticity.
Strengthens Hair: Promoting Hair Growth and Shinier Hair. Strengthens Nails. Also supports bones, cartilage and joint flexibility.

Sources: Supplements are available in various forms, including powders, capsules, and tablets. These supplements provide a concentrated dose of silica. There are other sources of silica but bamboo silica is only available from bamboo, other than supplements you could try Bamboo Shoots, or Bamboo tea.

Omega 3 Fish Oil – Krill Oil

Omega-3 fish oil is a dietary supplement derived from the tissues of oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fats that the body cannot produce on its own. Krill oil is a dietary supplement derived from tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans called krill, primarily harvested from the cold waters of the Antarctic. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, similar to fish oil, but offers some unique benefits. Krill contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Primarily EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are beneficial for heart and brain health. In addition, Krill also has Astaxanthin: A powerful antioxidant that gives krill its reddish color and helps protect against oxidative stress.

Benefits: Both oils are beneficial for skin health, but they differ in their sources and some specific benefits. Fish oil is often more widely available and may be more effective for general omega-3 intake, while krill oil offers additional antioxidant properties.

Omega 3 Fish Oil offers Hydration: Helps improve skin moisture and hydration.
Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation, which can help with conditions like acne and psoriasis.
Anti-Aging: May improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
UV Protection: Some studies suggest omega-3s can provide some protection against UV damage.

Kroll Oil offers Rich in Antioxidants: Contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the skin from oxidative stress.
Better Absorption: Omega-3s in krill oil are bound to phospholipids, which may enhance absorption.
Anti-Inflammatory: Similar to fish oil, krill oil can help reduce inflammation, benefiting skin health.
Moisture Retention: Can also aid in maintaining skin hydration and reducing dryness.

Sources: Omega-3 Fish Oil – Fatty fish (e.g., salmon, mackerel, sardines), Fish oil supplements, Algal oil (a vegetarian source of omega-3s). Krill Oil – Small crustaceans known as krill, typically harvested from cold ocean waters and Krill oil supplements.

In conclusion, nurturing your skin from the inside out is just as important as the products you apply topically. Incorporating a variety of vitamins into your diet can lead to healthier, more radiant skin. From the antioxidant power of Vitamin C to the hydrating benefits of Vitamin E, each vitamin plays a unique role in supporting skin health. By focusing on a balanced diet rich in these essential nutrients, along with a proper skincare routine, you can achieve that glowing complexion you’ve always desired. Remember, consistency is key—so embrace these vitamins and watch your skin thrive!


Auras – The What, Why and How to Care for Yours.

What is an Aura?

Every living entity has an Aura. An aura can be defined as your unseen spiritual energy field that surrounds you. Think of your Aura as your energy mirror, your vibe.
There are different colors of your aura that mean different things/feelings. By knowing and understanding these colors you can gain insight into your emotional and spiritual well-being. While it is not always possible to see aura colors with the naked eye, we can usually feel them. To learn more about Aura color meanings, click here.

Aura Layers

Your Aura consists of seven auric layers or planes. Each layer of your Aura represents something different.
Physical Aura Plane:
The physical aura plane is the layer that is closest to your skin. It represents your physical health.
Emotional Aura Plane:
As titled this plane that corresponds to your emotions. This layer can change color based on your mood whether it be positive or negative emotions.
Mental Aura Plane:
This layer is based on your thoughts, reasoning and logic.
Astral Body Aura Plane:
This is the plane that involves your spiritual health. It is also where your capacity for love comes from.
Etheric Aura Plane:
This layer of your Aura is the base of your psychic abilities. And yes, we all have some sort of abilities it is whether we chose to acknowledge them and cultivate them. When you clear your etheric plane, it assists in tapping into other’s energy and connect.
Celestial Aura Plane:
This layer involves your dreams and intuition. Also the layer of enlightenment. A strong Celestial Aura is the heart of creativity.
Causal Aura Plane:
The last aura plane is the Casual Plane but there is nothing casual about it. It’s very special, it harmonizes all the Aura layers and helps guide you on life’s path.

The Importance of Aura Care

Cleansing, Grounding and Protecting are important and necessary for Aura strength. Negative feelings and emotions can stay with us even when we may not be feeling them outward. Just like personal hygiene, caring for your Aura and energy are vital to your personal, spiritual growth and stability.

Aura cleansing is a spiritual practice that can help you purify your energy field, bringing clarity, positivity, and balance into your life. Think of it as a refresh of your energy.

When you are not grounded, your aura becomes vulnerable to tears and energy dragging. Grounding is important especially for those involved in spiritual or creative endeavors.
Protecting your Aura involves defense from negative energy which can affect you internally and externally. Your Aura is the influencer of how you perceive yourself and the vibe you give off to others. When your Aura is unprotected, it can take on the energy of those around it, good or bad.

Cleansing, Grounding & Protecting Your Aura with Inviting Effects

There are multiple ways to cleanse, ground and protect your Aura. Some are time-consuming or may be inconvenient, but all are effective. Those ways include smudging, Chakra work, Reiki, deep meditation, time in nature and more.
Inviting Effects has created easy, convenient and all natural products to cleanse, ground and protect your Aura. Designed to be used anywhere at any time. Harnessing the power of 3 intensely effective methods in one convenient spray.

Inviting Effects Aura Sprays are uniquely created with the following:
• All Natural Essential Oils Blends are formulated to cleanse, ground and protect your Aura.
Essential oils are potent tools for Aura work. Their high vibrational frequencies can cleanse, balance, and strengthen your aura. This results in clarity, focus, and positivity.
• Natural Crystal in each bottle cleansed and charged with full moon energy.
Crystals are powerful tools for energy cleansing. They absorb, amplify, and emit energy, making them ideal for clearing and balancing your aura. The full moon has the beneficial effect of being both a powerful cleanser and charger for your crystals. The moon’s light both clears out any density and darkness that the crystal has absorbed and also charges it up with its cooling, reflective, magical, and intuitive qualities.
Inviting Effects Aura Sprays contain the following crystals in each bottle:
Cleansing Spray – Clear Quartz Crystal has a calm relaxing effect on the emotional body. Excellent for releasing negativity and stress, healing the Aura.
Grounding Spray – Tigers Eye Crystal combines both the sun and earth energy. The perfect crystal for grounding and balancing yin-yang energies.
Protection Spray – Amethyst Crystal helps to protect and purify the Aura creating a shield from negative energy.
• Infused with Reiki healing energy
Reiki is an energy healing modality developed in Japan. The philosophy behind this technique is that universal life-force energy surrounds all living beings. It shows we can channel this energy in a person. It promotes healing in the body leading to a more balanced life. By infusing these Aura Sprays with Reiki, the sprays can lead to more positive reactions and spiritual healing aiding in the good health of your Aura.

Signs You May Need an Aura Cleansing

The following signs suggest your energy field may be littered with negative energy which an aura cleansing can help to clear.

  • Constant fatigue: Always tired, sluggish without a good explanation.
  • Emotional imbalance: Feeling anxious, depressed, or emotionally volatile.
  • Bad luck streak: Experiencing a series of unfortunate events or mishaps.
  • Difficulty focusing: Trouble concentrating, keeping on point or remembering things.
  • Unexplained physical discomfort: Feeling physically unwell without a medical explanation.

Take care of you and your Aura with Inviting Effects Aura Sprays. Enjoy being YOU!…


What is Really in Your Skin Care Products ?

Does it matter what we use to clean, moisturize and freshen our skin?

Skin is our largest organ. Wouldn’t it make sense to care for it? What is Really in Your Skin Care Products? I am going to dive deep into popular skin care product ingredients to see what is really in them and how it affects our skin. For legal reasons I will not be name dropping but you will understand.

Why Ingredients Matter

Ingredients matter, a lot. Just as when you are cooking or baking you can taste the difference based on the ingredients and the quality of ingredients you use. The same goes for our skin – you can feel the difference.

When I start to lay out the ingredients that are in the popular brands you will begin to wonder as I have. You will wonder if I am taking a shower with water – why is there so much water in my body wash? Or what is the purpose of plastic in my facial cleanser?

When we are talking about products what is really in our skin care products does matter. Skin is porous. Our skin absorbs what we put on it an average 60 – 70% whether it is natural or chemical. Skin absorption is a route by which substances can enter the body through the skin. To be absorbed through the skin, a chemical must pass through the epidermis, glands, or hair follicles. Sweat glands and hair follicles make up about 0.1 to 1.0 percent of the total skin surface.

Though small amounts of chemicals may enter the body rapidly through the glands or hair follicles, they are primarily absorbed through the epidermis. Chemicals must pass through the seven cell layers of epidermis before entering the dermis where they can enter the blood stream or lymph and circulate to other areas of the body. Toxins and toxicants can move through the layers by passive diffusion.

The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis and the rate-limiting barrier in absorption. Thus, how quickly something passes through this thicker outer layer determines the overall absorption. The stratum corneum is primarily composed of lipophilic cholesterol, cholesterol esters and ceramides. Thus lipid-soluble chemicals make it through the layer and into the circulation faster, however nearly all molecules penetrate it to some degree.

So if a substance isn’t good for the inside of our body why would we put it on the outside of our bodies? That is yet another wonderful reason to use essential oils – their molecules are smaller so penetration/absorption into skin layers and bloodstream can occur between 20 – 60 minutes after application. This not only brings benefits to the skin but to our overall well being.

More Expensive Doesn’t Always Mean Better

Don’t be fooled by price. Sometimes it is all about perception – if it costs more it must be better. That is not always the case. Your only protection for that is knowing the ingredients. Knowing what the ingredients are, the function of the ingredients listed and origin of those ingredients. This can help you in your choice. It’s a lot, I know but if you do not have the time or desire to do that a simple Google search on the product can help. Or just keep in mind the harmful ingredients below when looking at what you use and buy for your skin.


 Some products may promote on the front of their label or through advertising they contain a good ingredient or use the word natural(or some form of). Check the label. Just because a product contains one good, safe or natural ingredient does not make the whole product good. Example: a body wash may say it contains Lavender. Look at the ingredients, first is it Lavender fragrance or an essential oil. (essential oil is good – fragrance is bad) Secondly, look at the other ingredients listed and in what order. On a label the ingredients should be listed in order of amount contained.

If it has many of the ingredients listed below, then no it is not good or natural. It is like saying a Big Mac is healthy for you because there is lettuce as one of the ingredients.

What Ingredients Should I Watch Out For?

Here is a list of ingredients to watch out for so you know What is Really in Your Skin Care Products.

Parabens: Normally used as a preservative mostly to increase shelf life. They are a synthetic man made chemical. The huge downside to this chemical is the possible effects on the body. Studies have shown and linked it to cancer due to its acting like estrogen. The FDA found that in small doses it is safe. I would avoid this ingredient or at the very least make sure that the product you are using contains very little.

Aluminum: A toxic metal that can have disrupting effects on the functioning of the endocrine system. Mostly found in antiperspirants, blocking the pores from releasing sweat. FYI – it is a good thing to sweat – to release our body’s toxins.

Mineral Oil: A petroleum by-product that coats the skin, clogging pores. This is harmful as it interferes with skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, therefore increasing likelihood of acne and other disorders.

Artificial Colors and Fragrance: Both are nothing but synthetic chemicals. As far as colors are concerned, your body products don’t need color to work better. “Fragrance” is also synthetic chemicals. As a consumer, I find it insulting to think that adding a synthetic smell will make the product work better. Using essential oils to achieve an appealing smell is far more beneficial. Not only do essential oils have an amazing smell but also have beneficial properties, each different based on the oil. Since artificial colors and fragrance are just listed as that on the ingredient list we are not seeing a clear picture. Each “artificial color” and “fragrance” has it’s own list of chemical ingredients.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate & Sodium Laureth Sulfate: A detergent that makes products foam, lather, and bubble. Detergent can be a little harsh on the skin. Natural products without this ingredient will still produce a lather. The lather you achieve with a natural product is more dense, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate produces an airier bubble. More bubbles doesn’t mean the product is working or cleaning better it just means the chemical content is higher.

DEA(diethanolamine), MEA(Monoethanolamine) & TEA(triethanolamine) : Clear, colorless, viscous liquids with ammonia-like odors, which have the combined properties of alcohols and amines. Usually found in products that foam like facial cleansers and soaps. Also found in eye makeup , fragrances, hair products, and sunscreens.

PEG (Polyethylene glycol): Is a polyether compound derived from petroleum. An ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. It adjusts the melting point and thickens products. Can be found in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease.

Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene Glycol: Propylene glycol is a transparent, colorless petroleum plastic product made from fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates. Butylene Glycol is another petroleum byproduct. A gaseous hydrocarbons which in a liquid state act as “surfactant”. They penetrate the skin so quickly and can weaken the protein and cellular structure. Propylene glycol and butylene glycol are extremely highly effective chemicals. If they can dissolve and clean industrial surfaces, think about what they are doing to your skin.

DMDM Hydantoin & UREA (Imidazolidinyl): Preservatives that release formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen. Mention of DMDM hydantoin is required in products containing at least 0.5 percent of the chemical. May cause joint pain, skin allergies, headaches, and loss of sleep.

Triclosan: A synthetic antibacterial agent that may disrupt thyroid function and can degrade into a form of dioxin, a class of chemicals linked to a broad range of toxicities including cancer.

Now that you know some of the red flag ingredients let’s look at some of the highest selling body washes and see what they contain. Click here to see more questionable ingredients.

Here are a couple popular top selling body wash ingredient lists. I circled the obviously harmful ingredients, others can be subjective. If you noticed I circled water – because we don’t know if it is purified, distilled or just plain tap water.

Here is another top selling body wash that says on the label that it calms and comforts with Lavender & Chamomile. While it does contain those it also has many ingredients that you don’t need. I know, so many ingredients.

Best Selling BW Ingredients

As a comparison, here is a label to Inviting Effects Natural Body Wash. Nothing to circle in red here!

What Our Skin Does Need

Yes, our skin does need cleaning and moisturizing as cleaning does strip away our natural oils. So what should we be using? We are natural, we can use natural ingredients to do all the necessary things to our skin. Have you heard the phrase like cures like? By using natural ingredients on our natural skin, that is what we are doing.

Chemicals in skin care products, especially when there is no need, can have long term negative effects. Some of those effects may have yet to be know. You may like the current products that you are using because you like the way your skin feels, that’s fine. Just be aware of the ingredients that are in your products and what they could potentially do in the future. Be a smart consumer when it comes to your skin. Don’t let mass media or price dictate your choices.

Natural ingredients can actually be more cost effective. Since natural ingredients, like essential oils are concentrated you will use less. Another tip that can help is training your mind to not believe more is better. I know that can be a hard one. Remember that chemicals cause the airy abundant lather, your natural ingredients will produce a dense lather. More bubbles does not mean your skin will be cleaner or better moisturized.

Be smart, be knowledgeable, be aware of What is Really in Your Skin Care Products. Be beautiful and welcome the Inviting Effects of natural ingredients for your skin.

Inviting Effects Natural Body Products: Soft, Smooth, Hydrated Skin – Naturally


Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them

By definition, a myth is a widely held but false belief or idea. There are a few essential oil myths that are easy to dispel. After we take apart these myths you will see why you need to use them.

Myth #1 – Essential Oils are Too Expensive

Myth #2 – Essential Oils are Confusing

If you are not taught or exposed to something at an early age trying something new can feel overwhelming and confusing.  No fear here. Using essential oils is not an all or nothing. When you use or start to use essential oils it could be one oil in one capacity.

Back when I started using essential oils over 30 years ago it initially began with one oil for one reason. When I smelled Ylang Ylang I feel in love with the smell, I used it as perfume. At that time the scene I was a part of predominately smelled of clove and patchouli. I wanted something different thus started my quest to learn about essential oils.  From there I quickly discovered the essential oil benefits for skin and hair. Now I can find an essential oil solution for almost any issue or use.

With the world we live in now, where it has become popular to move away from the heavy chemicals in products and find natural solutions. Using nature to heal, clean, beautify oneself and more is not a new concept and has been happening since the start of time.  With the internet as a source of vast information it is easy to learn about essential oils and their uses.

My advice to wipe the confusion out is to start with one oil and one use. An example would be Lavender, Lavender is one of the most popular and versatile oils. Here are a few things you can do with Lavender(aside from using a diffuser):

  • Apply a drop to a bug bite and rub in (it will relieve itching),
  • Add a drop or two to your hand sanitizer. Most hand sanitizers are high in alcohol which can be drying to the skin, Lavender will help your skin retain moisture. Bonus: it has a nice calming scent.
  • Rub a couple drops to the bottom of your feet before bedtime for restful sleep.
  • Add a few drop to a spray bottle filled with distilled water. Instant air freshener. Plus Lavender is an antioxidant and supports brain function. 
  • Stinky car? Stinky shoes? Place a cotton ball with a couple drops of Lavender under the seat in your car. It will help you destress after work. Or place the cotton ball inside your shoes to neutralize the odor.

I could go on but I think you get my point, Essential Oil Myth #2  – dispelled. If you have a question feel free to send me an email.

Myth #4 – Essential Oils are not Effective

This myth is the easiest for my to dispel, from my own experience I have a multitude of examples.  While currently there is no scientific research that shows essential oils can cure diseases there is proof that they can assist in easing symptoms. There is plenty of research that shows essential oils can benefit our daily lives and routines.

Essential oils can enhance mood, relieve stress, bring positive desired effects to skin and hair, effectively clean and disinfect, heal skin irritations, balance hormones, fight infections, support digestion, oral care, general health and so much more. 

Here are some examples of how essential oils have been effective in my life:

  • When I had some health issues, my hair was falling out in clumps. My hair was everywhere. I have fine hair anyway so loosing any of it was devastating to me. I have a background in the hair & skin care industry so I could not allow this to happen to me. Plus with feeling ill I didn’t want to look ill too. I came up with this spray that I would spray on and massage in my scalp after washing my hair. After a month, I was only losing the normal few strands a day and my hair felt healthier. I mixed Rosemary, Chamomile, Jasmine and Geranium Essential Oils with distilled water and a touch of coconut oil.
  • As I mentioned in previous posts, I have a large senior dog. One day he lost his footing in the car and pulled his hind quarters.  It breaks my heart to see a dog in pain. I did 2 things that got him moving around the way he was before the injury. 1. I added Chamomile, Lavender and Copaiba essential oils to the diffuser in the room. The essential oils I used are safe for dogs. 2. I took a couple drops of Copaiba Essential oil mixed with coconut oil and massaged it into his hips and hind legs in the am & pm. 2 days later he was able to go for his walks in the park again.
  • I have a friend that took a bad fall and got some scraps on her face. So, I gave her a product I was working on(soon to be available to the public). I made an all natural face & body whip. It is intense hydration for the skin that contains 7 different essential oils with shea butter, coconut oil, vitamin E and more. Not only did it heal her scraps faster it improved the overall look and feel of her skin.

I could make a whole post just about the wonders I have seen with the use of essential oils.  Remember essential oils are not just about their smell, they have a host of beneficial properties. Essential Oil Myth #4 – dispelled.

Myth #5 – I am not a Hippie & do not Want to Smell Like One

Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them would not be complete without this one. This one always cracks me up! Our sense of smell is so powerful. We associate smells with memories, that can be a good or bad thing. Essential oils are the essence of a particular plant so some can have a powerful scent. If at some point in your life you were exposed to a non-pleasant scent, you may associate that with all essential oil scents. Yes, maybe Clove or Patchouli have that “hippie” smell to some people but there are so many different essential oils with different uses and scents.

There are flower, citrus, woodsy scents and more. Some have a delicate aroma where others may pack more of a punch. With over 100 different essential oil scents, there are many to chose from. In addition, you can blend different oils to customize a scent. That gives you thousands of options. If you do not like a particular scent, don’t use it. 

As an example, you may gravitate to citrus scents, Bergamot Essential Oil has a soft, pleasant citrus note. Bergamot is uplifting yet relaxing and has many benefits to health from digestion to fighting infections. 

Or you may like Neroli Essential Oil which is extracted from the flowers of bitter orange trees. It is not an overpowering scent. It is a flower scent with citrus overtones, to me it smells soft and fresh. The benefits as for all essential oils are vast. Neroli is excellent for aging skin, helps with pain/inflammation, has aphrodisiac properties and much more. Essential Oil Myth #5 – dispelled




Now that you know more about Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them, it’s your turn to invite the effects of essential oils into your life.




How to Freshen Up Your Face Mask Using Essential Oils

It may not be something that we want to do but let’s face it, wearing masks is going to be the norm for awhile. Since we have to wear it wouldn’t it be good to know How to Freshen Up Your Face Mask Using Essential Oils?

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It is a different world we are all living in now. Learning to live with the changes around us. One of those new habits we have learned to adapt to is wearing face masks. No matter what side of the fence you sit on masks are required in almost every place you want to go. It is the premise that wearing a mask protects us and those around us. According to there is scientific proof regarding the effectiveness of masks. Check it out here.

Since we are required to wear masks let’s talk about how to keep them fresh. Aside from wearing disposable masks and discarding that mask every hour there is a better way to freshen up your mask.

We may think the mask we are wearing is clean but…… let’s face it there are germs in our mouth, a lot of them too. Or maybe we didn’t brush our teeth after that pizza for lunch. Inside our masks could get a little funky. There are billions of bacteria that live in your mouth, most are friendly some are not. To learn more about the bacteria in our mouth click here.

Mouth germs

Disclaimer: These are ideas on how to use essential oils to freshen your face mask. Essential oils have disinfecting and antibacterial properties but this post does not imply or infer that essential oils can protect or prevent the COVID-19 virus. If you have underlying medical conditions, consult your doctor before starting to incorporate essential oils into your routine.

Which Essential Oils Would Be Best?

There are many essential oils that have disinfecting and antibacterial properties. I will list out some of my favorites that can be used and mixed to freshen up your face mask between laundering or discarding. The oils listed below are suggestions you can use the essential oils of your choice for specific results.

  • Cinnamon – A warm and comforting scent. Used in aroma therapy to rid airborne bacteria. Also an antioxidant and antibacterial. Benefits of inhaling this scent include stress relief and mood benefits.

  • Clove – A spicy scent that is antibacterial, antioxidant and immune stimulant. Benefits of inhaling this scent include headache relief, improving the immune system and lowering blood pressure.

  • Tea Tree – A medicinal scent. It is a disinfectant and antibacterial. Benefits of inhaling this scent include enhancing respiration, boosts immune system and supports healthy sleep.

  • Eucalyptus – A woodsy scent with a hint of mint. It is an antiseptic and antibacterial. Benefits of inhaling this scent include assisting with respiratory issues, clear sinuses and assist in the healing of cold sores.

  • Lavender – A pleasant subtle scent. It has disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Benefits of inhaling this scent include alleviating stress, anxiety and tension.

  • Peppermint – A fresh invigorating scent. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Benefits of inhaling this scent include sharpening mental focus, clearing nasal passages and soothing tension headaches.

  • Lemongrass – A lightly lemony scent with earthy undertones. It is an antibacterial, antifungal and disinfectant. Benefits of inhaling this scent include relieving headaches and boosting energy.

  • Citrus Essential Oils – The citrus scents include Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime and Orange. They are antibacterial and antifungal. Benefits of inhaling these scents include uplifting, boosting mood and elevate the immune system.

  • Geranium – A lightly floral with herbal undertones. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Benefits of inhaling this scent include helping protect the body from infection, natural antidepressant and skin health.

  • Thyme – A warm spicy scent from the mint family. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Benefits of inhaling this scent include promote alertness, boosts the immune system and supports the respiratory system.

Mixing Your Spray

The hardest part of mixing up your Freshening Spray is deciding on which essential oil scent you would like. My favorite blends are Lavender & Lemongrass, Cinnamon & Clove(this is a real germ fighting blend) or Peppermint & Lime. Here are the items you will need:

  • Spray bottle ( I recommend a small 2 oz. glass bottle that way you can keep it in your purse or at the office easily.)
  • Witch Hazel or Isopropyl Alcohol – optional
  • Distilled Water
  • Essential Oil(s) of your choice

Remember to always wash your hands before and after working with essential oils. Instructions are quick and easy:

  1. Add 1/2 oz. of Witch Hazel or Isopropyl Alcohol to a 2 oz. spray bottle. If you choose you can omit this ingredient but it does give an additional layer of disinfecting. If you choose to use Witch Hazel, good choice, it is a natural cleanser and astringent.

2. Then add 1 1/2 oz. of distilled water to your bottle

3. Now you are ready for your essential oils. Add 15 – 24 drops of your desired essential oil(s). If you are using multiple essential oils the 15 – 24 drops are the total number of drops. If you are sensitive to smells I would stay on the lighter side of the number of drops you use.

Using Your Freshen Up Spray

Now that you are ready to use your spray just a couple of tips to keep in mind. Always shake your bottle before using, the oils may have a tendency to separate from the other ingredients. When you spray the inside of your mask, just lightly spray, there is no need to saturate it. Enjoy!

NOTE: This Freshen Up Spray is not meant to replace changing out your disposable mask or laundering your cloth mask. This spray is designed to freshen your daily mask use.

This is yet another use for you to discover essential oils. Check out this post for more ideas. While you are here don’t forget to check out Inviting Effects Natural Essential Oil Body Washes and Lotions.


Love is in the Air – Essential Oil Recipes for Romance

It’s always a good day when Love is in the Air. In this post you will discover Love is in the Air – Essential Oil Recipes for Romance. Whether you are looking to spark the romance or intensify it, these essential oil combos will did just that for you.

What is Romance

Inviting Effects is reader supported. When you but through links on this site I may earn a small commission.

What is Considered Romance?

There are many different definitions of romance. Webster describes it as the following:

romance verb
romanced; romancing
intransitive verb

1: to exaggerate or invent detail or incident
2: to entertain romantic thoughts or ideas
transitive verb

1: to try to influence or curry favor with especially by lavishing personal attention, gifts, or flattery
2: to carry on a love affair with


Romance may mean to some the sincere gestures of a loved one, to others it may mean the love encounter. To me I think it can be best described as an overall warm feeling that we feel for the person of our interest. Romance is a wonderfully positive state of mind.

Sometimes Romance can be a Challenge

Romance can be the furthest from our minds Healthy Goodness, Highest-Grade Natural Supplements! Fast, Free Shipping!

Sometimes romance can be the furthest from our minds, even though we want it. With all of life’s’ stresses and demands romance often takes a back seat. It is important to have romance in your life. Romance is one of the most crucial elements of happiness in relationships. The importance of romance in a relationship cannot be trivialized.

Sometimes we may need a little nudge to spark that romance. That is what these Essential Oil Recipes can do for you to bring what Love is in the Air has to offer.

How Essential Oils Can Help

The benefits of essential oils are vast but what is it about essential oils that can help us in the romance department? Our sense of smell is estimated to be 10,000 times more acute than any of our other senses. It is sensitive to some 10,000 chemical compounds. Once a smell is registered, scent travels faster to the brain than either sight or sound. When we inhale the scent of an essential oil, the molecules travel up the nose where they are registered by the nerves of the olfactory membranes in the nose lining. The molecules stimulate the lining of nerve cells and trigger electrical impulses to the olfactory bulb in the brain. The olfactory bulb then transmits the impulses to the amygdala – where emotional memories are stored – and to other parts of the limbic system of the brain.

The limbic system is directly connected to those parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance, this is why essential oils can have profound physiological and psychological effects. Olfactory responses to smells induce the brain to stimulate the release of hormones and neurochemicals that in turn alter the body’s physiology and behavior.

Due to their fragrance and unique molecular composition, essential oils can directly stimulate the limbic lobe and the hypothalamus. Inhalation of essential oils can be used to alleviate stress, have a positive effect on state of mind and induce a relaxed state. It can also be used to stimulate the production of hormones from the hypothalamus. This stimulation may increase production of thyroid hormones and growth hormones.

Essential Oils with Aphrodisiac Effects

My favorite essential oils that can spark romance are Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Jasmine, Neroli, Rose and Clary Sage.

Love is in the Air Essential oils

  1. Ylang Ylang – Ylang Ylang has a rich, sweet floral aroma with hints of Jasmine and Neroli.
  2. Patchouli – Patchouli has an intense smell. It is has a musky and earthy scent.
  3. Jasmine – Jasmine is a beautiful, exotic floral scent.
  4. Neroli – Neroli has a sweet citrus scent. It is light scent with a hint of honey.
  5. Rose – Rose is a sweet floral scent of rose petals.
  6. Clary Sage – Clary Sage has an earthy, herbaceous, slightly floral and slightly fruity scent.

Romantic Essential Oil Blends

There are many blends of essential oils that can spark the romance. I am going to share my favorites.

Romance Blend

Of coarse I will start with my favorite one, so much so that I made it into a body wash and lotion. This a a great blend of Ylang Ylang, Patchouli and Bergamot. Not only do these products smell great and make your skin feel amazing the scent encourages the romantic state of mind. For a diffuser blend use 2 drops Ylang Ylang, 2 drops Patchouli and 1 drop Bergamot.

I Smell Romance

I Smell Romance is a lovely scent blend. It contains Patchouli, Neroli and Sweet Orange. I Smell Romance has a musky citrusy scent. For diffusing use 2 drops Patchouli, 2 drops Neroli and 1 drop Sweet Orange.

Something in the Air Tonight

We can’t talk about Love is in the Air and Essential Oil Recipes without talking about one I call Something in the Air Tonight. This blend contains Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and Sandalwood. The diffuser blend is 2 drops Ylang Ylang, 2 drops Jasmine and 2 drops Sandalwood.

Love Potion #Mine

I may have used a play on words to name this one but it’s effects are no joke. Love Potion #Mine contains Rose, Clary Sage and Neroli. The diffuser blend is 2 drops Rose, 2 drops Neroli and 1 drop Clary Sage.

Ways to Use Essential Oils to Create Romance

Since our sense of smell is so powerful there are many ways to feel the effects of essential oils.

There is the diffusing method that will fill the air with your desired scent. Diffusers come in all price ranges so it can be an economical choice.

An interactive method between partners would be to add the essential oils to a lotion or massage oil. If you are adding it to a lotion make sure the lotion is unscented. You wouldn’t want to hinder the effects of the essential oil blend.

An ultra easy method is to use Inviting Effects Natural Essential Oil Body Wash & Lotion – Romance Blend. You can shower with the wash and use the lotion after. Only your imagination can inhibit you. The scent is not overpowering and lasts.

Romance is a Wonderful Thing

Try to keep romance alive in your relationships. In a world where stress has become a constant our romances can actually save us. Sometimes the stresses may make it difficult but that is where essential oils can assist. Or maybe you need to spark the romance, essential oils can assist there too. Welcome the Inviting Effects of essential oils into your life.…


7 Essential Oils to Naturally Alleviate Stress – What They Are, How to Use, & Blends

Stress has become such a large part of our lives. It doesn’t matter who you are, what your threshold is or where you live, we all have stress in our lives. Through this post you will discover 7 essential oils to naturally alleviate stress. I will review these essential oils that can help you do that by telling you what they are and how to use them.

The reasons we get stressed vary by individual and are countless. The ramifications of too much consistent stress can be damaging to our health and well being. Read more about The Power of Stress here.

What Are the Essential Oils to Alleviate Stress

Using Essential Oils can be a natural, cost effective and easy way to assist you with the handling of your stresses. There are many Essential Oils that have positive effects on stress. I will only be going through 7 of my favorite Essential Oils to naturally alleviate stress here.


Lavender for Stress

The first essential oil that comes to everyone’s mind when talking about essential oils and aromatherapy is Lavender and with good reason. Lavender is a very versatile oil with many benefits and uses.

For stress purposes, Lavender promotes relaxation. Lavender can be used to treat neurological issues like migraines, stress, anxiety and depression. There is documented research that shows inhaling lavender essential oil vapor can help to prevent brain oxidative stress and improve cognitive impairment.

Since many people suffering from stress also have sleep disturbances which can enhance the effects of stress, Lavender can promote better sleep too. Healthy Goodness, Highest-Grade Natural Supplements! Fast, Free Shipping!

Inviting Effects is reader supported. When you buy through links on this site I may earn a small commission. Thank you.


Jasmine Essential Oil for Stress

Jasmine is one of my favorite scents. It is a soothing, beautiful flower scent. I use it in almost all of the products I make for myself.

There have been numerous studies that found inhaling Jasmine can alleviate depression. It has been used for hundreds of years as a natural remedy for depression in Asia. Jasmine can improve your mood, help you overcome stress and balance your hormones.

Jasmine is also a natural aphrodisiac. It is said to increase sensuality and libido.


Bergamot Essential Oil for Stress

I call Bergamot the happy Essential Oil. It is in the citrus family. Just smelling this essential oil will put a smile on your face. This citrus scent has been long known to boost your mood.

While citrus essential oils are stimulating Bergamot has a calming, tranquil effect. Bergamot can ease tension. It can reduce your nervous tension which can also be accompanied by anxiety. Bergamot is also known to lower your blood pressure.


Vetiver Essential Oil for Stress

As you can see from the above image, Vetiver is a grass. It is very calming and grounding. Vetiver can clear the mind. It is very useful in relieving stress, tension and anxiety. It has even been successful in treating panic attacks.

Vetiver is also used to treat insomnia and promotes a more restful sleep. While not common to most, Vetiver addresses many common issues we have and does it well.

I started using Vetiver about a year ago and quickly became a fan. It’s scent is pleasant and not overpowering.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil for Stress

I have been in love with Ylang Ylang for over 20 years. Ylang Ylang is a mood enhancer and uplifting. It also as aphrodisiac properties. It lowers the body’s stress response. That itself is a remarkable property but Ylang Ylang has a lot to offer.

Ylang Ylang promotes relaxation, balances emotions, controls cortisol production and assist in controlling your hypertension.

The scent of Ylang Ylang has a clean scent that is not over flowery. Just breathing it in brings a wave of calm.

Clary Sage

Clary Sage is excellent for calming the mind. It reduces the feelings of anxiety and promotes a peaceful state of mind. Clary Sage has tested successful as a natural treatment for depression.

It has a cooling, comforting effect on the body and relaxing and settling for the mind. The scent of Clary Sage has an outdoorsy, slight minty smell. For those that do not like floral scents will find Clary Sage very appealing.


You have heard of people suggesting Chamomile tea when you are having trouble sleeping. There is a good reason for that. Even more effective than the tea Chamomile Essential Oil has a soothing effect and promotes a restful sleep. Having restful sleep is an excellent weapon for your body to fight stress.

Chamomile is know to calm nerves which will lessen anxiety. It can lessen our feelings of tension. The smell of Chamomile has a fresh subtle scent, very gender neutral.

How to Use


To incorporate Essential Oils into your life simply run a diffuser while you are doing your normal activities. A diffuser is a relatively inexpensive investment that can have positive effects for you. Amazon has a wide range to chose from. You can get a decent one for under $20.00 if you are just starting out. There are many options to match your décor and needs.

Air Spray

Another way to incorporate without a diffuser would be to create an air spray. In a spray bottle, preferably glass, mix together the essential oil(s) of your choice with distilled water. Use the spray to fill the air with your desired scent. This method also works great for bedtime. Spray on your pillow, blanket and the air around your bed just before bedtime for a nice relaxing sleep.

Shower Steamers/Bath Bombs

Destress with a shower or bath. For a relaxing bath you can use a bath bomb made with essential oils or directly add a few drops of essential oil to your bath water. If you are more of a shower person, like me, Shower Steamers are a great way to experience the effects of Essential Oils. Just by placing a steamer on the floor of your shower and inhaling the essential oils scent, can make for a wonderful shower. Inviting Effects makes a great All Natural Essential Oil Shower Steamer. If you want to know more about shower steamers read this post.

Your Hands

You can use your hands. Place 1 – 2 drops of the oil into your palms. Rub your hands together then cup your hands over your nose and inhale. A couple things to keep in mind with this method are to thoroughly face your hands before and after. Also avoid your eye area.


Cotton Balls

The easiest for anyone to use without fuss would be the cotton ball method. Simply apply a few drops of essential oil to the cotton ball. Then you can place the cotton ball in a zip lock bag and inhale as needed. Or place the cotton ball on a saucer at your desk.

SERENE Body Wash & Lotion

Inviting Effects makes an all natural essential oil body wash and lotion. The SERENE blend is calming and relaxing. Use the body wash in the shower to help unwind or use the lotion anytime. The bonus with these products is not only will you alleviate your stress but your skin will feel amazing.


Here are a few of my favorite blends for Stress Relief:

Serene: Vetiver, Lavender, Ylang Ylang and Grapefruit.

Smile: Lavender, Bergamot and Lemon

Restful: Lavender, Clary Sage, Sandalwood

Ease: Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot

If you would like more information about blends or a specific blend for a specific need you have – comment below and we can talk.

As you can see these 7 Essential Oils are essential to naturally alleviate stress. In a world where stress is everywhere we turn it’s nice to have a natural pleasant alternative to reducing our stress. We can’t avoid stress but there is an enjoyable way to lessen it.

When you invite the effects of essential oils into your life, you will see the wonderous effects nature has given us.


The Best Facial Mask

Easy and Extremely Effective Face Mask to Brighten, Tighten, Smooth and So Much More .

I have always had decent skin but with age it looked dull and unhealthy. I am always looking for little things to fight the aging war naturally, and to be honest I like things that are cost efficient.

I started trying different combinations of essential oils and beauty products. After my first time using this recipe I knew I hit the jackpot.

A combination of Baking Soda, Tea Tree oil and lemon seemed odd at first but when breaking down the benefits of each ingredient it makes sense.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda has mild exfoliating, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. It is a natural cleanser for the skin. Baking Soda can clear and clean out pores as well as absorb excess oil form the skin. When our pores are clear of dead cells and bacteria the skin is bright, soft and beautiful.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is an essential oil from the Melaleuca alternifolia plant. Tea Tree has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. Tea Tree oil will reduce redness from inflammation/swelling. It can also reduce acne scares. It leaves the skin with a smooth feeling.
You should not apply tea tree oil directly to skin.


Juice of a fresh lemon on the skin has many wonderful benefits. Lemon is packed with vitamin C and citric acid. It is a good anti-oxidant. It has astringent properties too. It can increase collagen production and neutralize free radicals which in turn can help improve skins elasticity. If all that wasn’t enough the acidity of the lemon can brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Mask Instructions


2 tablespoons Baking Soda

3 drops of Tea Tree Oil

1/2 lemon – fresh squeezed juice

Mix together. Do not be alarmed – when you add the lemon juice to the baking soda it will fizz. Mixture will form a loose paste. Apply to a clean face in a circular motion. Massage into face for 2 – 4 minutes, avoiding the eye area. As you are massaging clumps may fall so it’s best to do the over the sink. After massaging, pat some additional mixture onto face. Let sit on face for approximately 10 minutes. Rinse off with tepid to cool water. Pat face dry. Repeat twice a week, anymore may irritate the skin.

Before mask

These before and after mask pictures are unretouched photos.

After mask

Your skin will feel amazing. I have been using the mask recipe for two months usually twice a week. My skin is brighter, smoother and younger looking. There were little bumps that were not visible to the eye but to the touch. The bumps are gone. I have also noticed that while my fine lines and wrinkles are not gone they appear reduced.

After the first time I used this mask my skin felt like it did when I was in my teens. Now I am thinking maybe I should do my whole body with this mixture!

If you have a preexisting skin condition or have overly sensitive skin, please consult your dermatologists before trying any new products on your face.


Collagen : Do I Really Need It?

The What, Why , How and Which One Story

What is Collagen?
In a very interesting article by James McIntosh on , Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons.
Collagen is a hard, insoluble, and fibrous protein that makes up one-third of the protein in the human body.

Why is it important to my body?

Collagen affects important visible and non visible parts of our bodies.

What does collagen do for the body?

Collagen exists through out the human body but especially in our skin, bones and connective tissue.

Collagen appears in dermis layer of the skin(middle layer).
It helps form a fibrous system of cells called fibroblasts, which can produce new cell growth. It also plays a part in the replacement and restoration of dead skin cells.

There are even some types of collagen that can act as barriers, protecting more delicate organs.

Collagen has such a positive impact on our bodies that it is a shame that as we age our collagen production declines and depletes. The talk of collagen is prevalent for women but it is just as beneficial to men.

With benefits that we all seek, collagen can assist with skin improvement, hair/hair growth, joint discomfort and digestive issues to name a few. There are even some compelling studies that show the benefit of collagen to individuals suffering with Fibromyalgia and Arthritis. I suffer from both of those conditions along with approximately 10 million others with Fibromyalgia and 54 million Arthritis sufferers. Collagen makes a difference.

My How and Which One Story

I discovered the benefits of Collagen months ago. I was at a desperate point in my life with my health. For a year, I was going to doctors and having tests, with no improvement. I was actually getting worse. I got multiple diagnoses but noting definitive. As far as I was made aware I had severe Fibromyalgia, Auto Immune Disease(which was a blanket diagnosis), Arthritis and Adrenal Fatigue.

The doctors prescribed medicines to treat certain symptoms but nothing to help me feel better. Now it was up to me, continue feeling horrible daily and accept it or research and do what I can to get relief. Challenge accepted.

I embarked on a journey of researching supplements, reading countless articles and even taking some classes. Along the way of researching and trying products and supplements I encountered Organic Collagen Peptides Powder.

Within a month of mixing this powder in my morning juice I started noticing some changes. First, I noticed my skin. I had rough patch elbows and heels. I would put lotion on but it didn’t last. No more rough elbows. No more cracked heels – to be honest I don’t pamper my feet the way I should – with that being said they are softer. All over I noticed my skin softer and improved elasticity.

Then, I noticed my hair. My hair became healthier and started growing faster. Even my hairdresser asked what I was using because she noticed such an improvement in the feel and look of my hair.

The first two improvements may be considered more superficial to some and that’s fine. The next two areas I noticed blew me away.

I have Arthritis in my hands and knees. In the mornings I would wake up to my hands being frozen like claws. Into my second month of taking Collagen I noticed I could move my hands when I wake up they were no longer painfully clinched. Also, by the evening my legs and feet would hurt so bad that by the time I got home work work I couldn’t walk. While I still get pain in my legs and feet it is much better. My shelf life after work has improved by a couple hours.

The last area I noticed was a biggie for me. With the Auto Immune I had such digestive issues. A bit beyond the Acid Reflux and gassiness, I was vomiting and nauseous daily. Now with taking the Collagen, gassiness has retreated and I have not vomited since.

Understanding that Collagen may only have a part to play in these improvements. In combination with the vitamin/mineral and joint supplements I take and incorporating essential oils into daily life has made the world of difference. But it all started with the Collagen.

So to answer the original question, do I need Collagen, and I am referring to supplemental, the answer is a resounding YES!

The right Collagen supplement to take is your choice. Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Is it Organic ?
  • Powder verses Pill, I prefer powder as a pill needs to breakdown more in your system.
  • How well does the powder mix with liquid?
  • Is the powder tasteless?
  • Do you prefer a flavored powder?
  • What source is the Collagen from?
  • What Collagen types are in your supplement, i.e; Type 1, 2, 3, 5, 10?
  • As always, check with your doctor when starting any new regimen.


Below are two Collagens that I have had good results with and checked the boxes of everything I am looking for in my Collagen supplement.

Be aware, be mindful, take action when needed and be healthy.…
