What is an Aura?

Every living entity has an Aura. An aura can be defined as your unseen spiritual energy field that surrounds you. Think of your Aura as your energy mirror, your vibe.
There are different colors of your aura that mean different things/feelings. By knowing and understanding these colors you can gain insight into your emotional and spiritual well-being. While it is not always possible to see aura colors with the naked eye, we can usually feel them. To learn more about Aura color meanings, click here.

Aura Layers

Your Aura consists of seven auric layers or planes. Each layer of your Aura represents something different.
Physical Aura Plane:
The physical aura plane is the layer that is closest to your skin. It represents your physical health.
Emotional Aura Plane:
As titled this plane that corresponds to your emotions. This layer can change color based on your mood whether it be positive or negative emotions.
Mental Aura Plane:
This layer is based on your thoughts, reasoning and logic.
Astral Body Aura Plane:
This is the plane that involves your spiritual health. It is also where your capacity for love comes from.
Etheric Aura Plane:
This layer of your Aura is the base of your psychic abilities. And yes, we all have some sort of abilities it is whether we chose to acknowledge them and cultivate them. When you clear your etheric plane, it assists in tapping into other’s energy and connect.
Celestial Aura Plane:
This layer involves your dreams and intuition. Also the layer of enlightenment. A strong Celestial Aura is the heart of creativity.
Causal Aura Plane:
The last aura plane is the Casual Plane but there is nothing casual about it. It’s very special, it harmonizes all the Aura layers and helps guide you on life’s path.

The Importance of Aura Care

Cleansing, Grounding and Protecting are important and necessary for Aura strength. Negative feelings and emotions can stay with us even when we may not be feeling them outward. Just like personal hygiene, caring for your Aura and energy are vital to your personal, spiritual growth and stability.

Aura cleansing is a spiritual practice that can help you purify your energy field, bringing clarity, positivity, and balance into your life. Think of it as a refresh of your energy.

When you are not grounded, your aura becomes vulnerable to tears and energy dragging. Grounding is important especially for those involved in spiritual or creative endeavors.
Protecting your Aura involves defense from negative energy which can affect you internally and externally. Your Aura is the influencer of how you perceive yourself and the vibe you give off to others. When your Aura is unprotected, it can take on the energy of those around it, good or bad.

Cleansing, Grounding & Protecting Your Aura with Inviting Effects

There are multiple ways to cleanse, ground and protect your Aura. Some are time-consuming or may be inconvenient, but all are effective. Those ways include smudging, Chakra work, Reiki, deep meditation, time in nature and more.
Inviting Effects has created easy, convenient and all natural products to cleanse, ground and protect your Aura. Designed to be used anywhere at any time. Harnessing the power of 3 intensely effective methods in one convenient spray.

Inviting Effects Aura Sprays are uniquely created with the following:
• All Natural Essential Oils Blends are formulated to cleanse, ground and protect your Aura.
Essential oils are potent tools for Aura work. Their high vibrational frequencies can cleanse, balance, and strengthen your aura. This results in clarity, focus, and positivity.
• Natural Crystal in each bottle cleansed and charged with full moon energy.
Crystals are powerful tools for energy cleansing. They absorb, amplify, and emit energy, making them ideal for clearing and balancing your aura. The full moon has the beneficial effect of being both a powerful cleanser and charger for your crystals. The moon’s light both clears out any density and darkness that the crystal has absorbed and also charges it up with its cooling, reflective, magical, and intuitive qualities.
Inviting Effects Aura Sprays contain the following crystals in each bottle:
Cleansing Spray – Clear Quartz Crystal has a calm relaxing effect on the emotional body. Excellent for releasing negativity and stress, healing the Aura.
Grounding Spray – Tigers Eye Crystal combines both the sun and earth energy. The perfect crystal for grounding and balancing yin-yang energies.
Protection Spray – Amethyst Crystal helps to protect and purify the Aura creating a shield from negative energy.
• Infused with Reiki healing energy
Reiki is an energy healing modality developed in Japan. The philosophy behind this technique is that universal life-force energy surrounds all living beings. It shows we can channel this energy in a person. It promotes healing in the body leading to a more balanced life. By infusing these Aura Sprays with Reiki, the sprays can lead to more positive reactions and spiritual healing aiding in the good health of your Aura.

Signs You May Need an Aura Cleansing

The following signs suggest your energy field may be littered with negative energy which an aura cleansing can help to clear.

  • Constant fatigue: Always tired, sluggish without a good explanation.
  • Emotional imbalance: Feeling anxious, depressed, or emotionally volatile.
  • Bad luck streak: Experiencing a series of unfortunate events or mishaps.
  • Difficulty focusing: Trouble concentrating, keeping on point or remembering things.
  • Unexplained physical discomfort: Feeling physically unwell without a medical explanation.

Take care of you and your Aura with Inviting Effects Aura Sprays. Enjoy being YOU!