Does it matter what we use to clean, moisturize and freshen our skin?

Skin is our largest organ. Wouldn’t it make sense to care for it? What is Really in Your Skin Care Products? I am going to dive deep into popular skin care product ingredients to see what is really in them and how it affects our skin. For legal reasons I will not be name dropping but you will understand.

Why Ingredients Matter

Ingredients matter, a lot. Just as when you are cooking or baking you can taste the difference based on the ingredients and the quality of ingredients you use. The same goes for our skin – you can feel the difference.

When I start to lay out the ingredients that are in the popular brands you will begin to wonder as I have. You will wonder if I am taking a shower with water – why is there so much water in my body wash? Or what is the purpose of plastic in my facial cleanser?

When we are talking about products what is really in our skin care products does matter. Skin is porous. Our skin absorbs what we put on it an average 60 – 70% whether it is natural or chemical. Skin absorption is a route by which substances can enter the body through the skin. To be absorbed through the skin, a chemical must pass through the epidermis, glands, or hair follicles. Sweat glands and hair follicles make up about 0.1 to 1.0 percent of the total skin surface.

Though small amounts of chemicals may enter the body rapidly through the glands or hair follicles, they are primarily absorbed through the epidermis. Chemicals must pass through the seven cell layers of epidermis before entering the dermis where they can enter the blood stream or lymph and circulate to other areas of the body. Toxins and toxicants can move through the layers by passive diffusion.

The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis and the rate-limiting barrier in absorption. Thus, how quickly something passes through this thicker outer layer determines the overall absorption. The stratum corneum is primarily composed of lipophilic cholesterol, cholesterol esters and ceramides. Thus lipid-soluble chemicals make it through the layer and into the circulation faster, however nearly all molecules penetrate it to some degree.

So if a substance isn’t good for the inside of our body why would we put it on the outside of our bodies? That is yet another wonderful reason to use essential oils – their molecules are smaller so penetration/absorption into skin layers and bloodstream can occur between 20 – 60 minutes after application. This not only brings benefits to the skin but to our overall well being.

More Expensive Doesn’t Always Mean Better

Don’t be fooled by price. Sometimes it is all about perception – if it costs more it must be better. That is not always the case. Your only protection for that is knowing the ingredients. Knowing what the ingredients are, the function of the ingredients listed and origin of those ingredients. This can help you in your choice. It’s a lot, I know but if you do not have the time or desire to do that a simple Google search on the product can help. Or just keep in mind the harmful ingredients below when looking at what you use and buy for your skin.


 Some products may promote on the front of their label or through advertising they contain a good ingredient or use the word natural(or some form of). Check the label. Just because a product contains one good, safe or natural ingredient does not make the whole product good. Example: a body wash may say it contains Lavender. Look at the ingredients, first is it Lavender fragrance or an essential oil. (essential oil is good – fragrance is bad) Secondly, look at the other ingredients listed and in what order. On a label the ingredients should be listed in order of amount contained.

If it has many of the ingredients listed below, then no it is not good or natural. It is like saying a Big Mac is healthy for you because there is lettuce as one of the ingredients.

What Ingredients Should I Watch Out For?

Here is a list of ingredients to watch out for so you know What is Really in Your Skin Care Products.

Parabens: Normally used as a preservative mostly to increase shelf life. They are a synthetic man made chemical. The huge downside to this chemical is the possible effects on the body. Studies have shown and linked it to cancer due to its acting like estrogen. The FDA found that in small doses it is safe. I would avoid this ingredient or at the very least make sure that the product you are using contains very little.

Aluminum: A toxic metal that can have disrupting effects on the functioning of the endocrine system. Mostly found in antiperspirants, blocking the pores from releasing sweat. FYI – it is a good thing to sweat – to release our body’s toxins.

Mineral Oil: A petroleum by-product that coats the skin, clogging pores. This is harmful as it interferes with skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, therefore increasing likelihood of acne and other disorders.

Artificial Colors and Fragrance: Both are nothing but synthetic chemicals. As far as colors are concerned, your body products don’t need color to work better. “Fragrance” is also synthetic chemicals. As a consumer, I find it insulting to think that adding a synthetic smell will make the product work better. Using essential oils to achieve an appealing smell is far more beneficial. Not only do essential oils have an amazing smell but also have beneficial properties, each different based on the oil. Since artificial colors and fragrance are just listed as that on the ingredient list we are not seeing a clear picture. Each “artificial color” and “fragrance” has it’s own list of chemical ingredients.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate & Sodium Laureth Sulfate: A detergent that makes products foam, lather, and bubble. Detergent can be a little harsh on the skin. Natural products without this ingredient will still produce a lather. The lather you achieve with a natural product is more dense, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate produces an airier bubble. More bubbles doesn’t mean the product is working or cleaning better it just means the chemical content is higher.

DEA(diethanolamine), MEA(Monoethanolamine) & TEA(triethanolamine) : Clear, colorless, viscous liquids with ammonia-like odors, which have the combined properties of alcohols and amines. Usually found in products that foam like facial cleansers and soaps. Also found in eye makeup , fragrances, hair products, and sunscreens.

PEG (Polyethylene glycol): Is a polyether compound derived from petroleum. An ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. It adjusts the melting point and thickens products. Can be found in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease.

Propylene Glycol (PG) & Butylene Glycol: Propylene glycol is a transparent, colorless petroleum plastic product made from fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates. Butylene Glycol is another petroleum byproduct. A gaseous hydrocarbons which in a liquid state act as “surfactant”. They penetrate the skin so quickly and can weaken the protein and cellular structure. Propylene glycol and butylene glycol are extremely highly effective chemicals. If they can dissolve and clean industrial surfaces, think about what they are doing to your skin.

DMDM Hydantoin & UREA (Imidazolidinyl): Preservatives that release formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen. Mention of DMDM hydantoin is required in products containing at least 0.5 percent of the chemical. May cause joint pain, skin allergies, headaches, and loss of sleep.

Triclosan: A synthetic antibacterial agent that may disrupt thyroid function and can degrade into a form of dioxin, a class of chemicals linked to a broad range of toxicities including cancer.

Now that you know some of the red flag ingredients let’s look at some of the highest selling body washes and see what they contain. Click here to see more questionable ingredients.

Here are a couple popular top selling body wash ingredient lists. I circled the obviously harmful ingredients, others can be subjective. If you noticed I circled water – because we don’t know if it is purified, distilled or just plain tap water.

Here is another top selling body wash that says on the label that it calms and comforts with Lavender & Chamomile. While it does contain those it also has many ingredients that you don’t need. I know, so many ingredients.

Best Selling BW Ingredients

As a comparison, here is a label to Inviting Effects Natural Body Wash. Nothing to circle in red here!

What Our Skin Does Need

Yes, our skin does need cleaning and moisturizing as cleaning does strip away our natural oils. So what should we be using? We are natural, we can use natural ingredients to do all the necessary things to our skin. Have you heard the phrase like cures like? By using natural ingredients on our natural skin, that is what we are doing.

Chemicals in skin care products, especially when there is no need, can have long term negative effects. Some of those effects may have yet to be know. You may like the current products that you are using because you like the way your skin feels, that’s fine. Just be aware of the ingredients that are in your products and what they could potentially do in the future. Be a smart consumer when it comes to your skin. Don’t let mass media or price dictate your choices.

Natural ingredients can actually be more cost effective. Since natural ingredients, like essential oils are concentrated you will use less. Another tip that can help is training your mind to not believe more is better. I know that can be a hard one. Remember that chemicals cause the airy abundant lather, your natural ingredients will produce a dense lather. More bubbles does not mean your skin will be cleaner or better moisturized.

Be smart, be knowledgeable, be aware of What is Really in Your Skin Care Products. Be beautiful and welcome the Inviting Effects of natural ingredients for your skin.

Inviting Effects Natural Body Products: Soft, Smooth, Hydrated Skin – Naturally