By definition, a myth is a widely held but false belief or idea. There are a few essential oil myths that are easy to dispel. After we take apart these myths you will see why you need to use them.

Myth #1 – Essential Oils are Too Expensive

Myth #2 – Essential Oils are Confusing

If you are not taught or exposed to something at an early age trying something new can feel overwhelming and confusing.  No fear here. Using essential oils is not an all or nothing. When you use or start to use essential oils it could be one oil in one capacity.

Back when I started using essential oils over 30 years ago it initially began with one oil for one reason. When I smelled Ylang Ylang I feel in love with the smell, I used it as perfume. At that time the scene I was a part of predominately smelled of clove and patchouli. I wanted something different thus started my quest to learn about essential oils.  From there I quickly discovered the essential oil benefits for skin and hair. Now I can find an essential oil solution for almost any issue or use.

With the world we live in now, where it has become popular to move away from the heavy chemicals in products and find natural solutions. Using nature to heal, clean, beautify oneself and more is not a new concept and has been happening since the start of time.  With the internet as a source of vast information it is easy to learn about essential oils and their uses.

My advice to wipe the confusion out is to start with one oil and one use. An example would be Lavender, Lavender is one of the most popular and versatile oils. Here are a few things you can do with Lavender(aside from using a diffuser):

  • Apply a drop to a bug bite and rub in (it will relieve itching),
  • Add a drop or two to your hand sanitizer. Most hand sanitizers are high in alcohol which can be drying to the skin, Lavender will help your skin retain moisture. Bonus: it has a nice calming scent.
  • Rub a couple drops to the bottom of your feet before bedtime for restful sleep.
  • Add a few drop to a spray bottle filled with distilled water. Instant air freshener. Plus Lavender is an antioxidant and supports brain function. 
  • Stinky car? Stinky shoes? Place a cotton ball with a couple drops of Lavender under the seat in your car. It will help you destress after work. Or place the cotton ball inside your shoes to neutralize the odor.

I could go on but I think you get my point, Essential Oil Myth #2  – dispelled. If you have a question feel free to send me an email.

Myth #4 – Essential Oils are not Effective

This myth is the easiest for my to dispel, from my own experience I have a multitude of examples.  While currently there is no scientific research that shows essential oils can cure diseases there is proof that they can assist in easing symptoms. There is plenty of research that shows essential oils can benefit our daily lives and routines.

Essential oils can enhance mood, relieve stress, bring positive desired effects to skin and hair, effectively clean and disinfect, heal skin irritations, balance hormones, fight infections, support digestion, oral care, general health and so much more. 

Here are some examples of how essential oils have been effective in my life:

  • When I had some health issues, my hair was falling out in clumps. My hair was everywhere. I have fine hair anyway so loosing any of it was devastating to me. I have a background in the hair & skin care industry so I could not allow this to happen to me. Plus with feeling ill I didn’t want to look ill too. I came up with this spray that I would spray on and massage in my scalp after washing my hair. After a month, I was only losing the normal few strands a day and my hair felt healthier. I mixed Rosemary, Chamomile, Jasmine and Geranium Essential Oils with distilled water and a touch of coconut oil.
  • As I mentioned in previous posts, I have a large senior dog. One day he lost his footing in the car and pulled his hind quarters.  It breaks my heart to see a dog in pain. I did 2 things that got him moving around the way he was before the injury. 1. I added Chamomile, Lavender and Copaiba essential oils to the diffuser in the room. The essential oils I used are safe for dogs. 2. I took a couple drops of Copaiba Essential oil mixed with coconut oil and massaged it into his hips and hind legs in the am & pm. 2 days later he was able to go for his walks in the park again.
  • I have a friend that took a bad fall and got some scraps on her face. So, I gave her a product I was working on(soon to be available to the public). I made an all natural face & body whip. It is intense hydration for the skin that contains 7 different essential oils with shea butter, coconut oil, vitamin E and more. Not only did it heal her scraps faster it improved the overall look and feel of her skin.

I could make a whole post just about the wonders I have seen with the use of essential oils.  Remember essential oils are not just about their smell, they have a host of beneficial properties. Essential Oil Myth #4 – dispelled.

Myth #5 – I am not a Hippie & do not Want to Smell Like One

Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them would not be complete without this one. This one always cracks me up! Our sense of smell is so powerful. We associate smells with memories, that can be a good or bad thing. Essential oils are the essence of a particular plant so some can have a powerful scent. If at some point in your life you were exposed to a non-pleasant scent, you may associate that with all essential oil scents. Yes, maybe Clove or Patchouli have that “hippie” smell to some people but there are so many different essential oils with different uses and scents.

There are flower, citrus, woodsy scents and more. Some have a delicate aroma where others may pack more of a punch. With over 100 different essential oil scents, there are many to chose from. In addition, you can blend different oils to customize a scent. That gives you thousands of options. If you do not like a particular scent, don’t use it. 

As an example, you may gravitate to citrus scents, Bergamot Essential Oil has a soft, pleasant citrus note. Bergamot is uplifting yet relaxing and has many benefits to health from digestion to fighting infections. 

Or you may like Neroli Essential Oil which is extracted from the flowers of bitter orange trees. It is not an overpowering scent. It is a flower scent with citrus overtones, to me it smells soft and fresh. The benefits as for all essential oils are vast. Neroli is excellent for aging skin, helps with pain/inflammation, has aphrodisiac properties and much more. Essential Oil Myth #5 – dispelled




Now that you know more about Essential Oil Myths & Why You Need to Use Them, it’s your turn to invite the effects of essential oils into your life.