There is a multitude of wonderful things you can do with essential oils.  I will be covering 10 easy things you can do with essential oils that will not only be a welcome alternative to toxic chemicals but will also save you time and money.

First, what are essential oils and why are they soooo awesome.

Essential oils are a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing compounds from plants. In simple terms they are plant extracts. They’re made by steaming or pressing various parts of a plant (flowers, bark, leaves or fruit) to capture the compounds that produce fragrance. It can take several pounds of a plant to produce a single bottle of essential oil.

The most common thing most people think about when it comes to essential oils is diffusing. I won’t go into all of the different combinations and positive effects from diffusing. Diffusing will be the topic of another post.

Let’s start on the list with laundry.

  1. Brighten & Freshen Your Laundry
    If you want your colors brighter, your whites whiter use an easy mixture of Epsom Salts, Baking Soda and Essential Oils. I add a scoop of this to each load, it really does brighten and freshen my laundry. I especially like using it when I wash doggie blankets. The fresh scent lasts, and with doggie blankets in half of the rooms in the house it helps with keeping things fresh. I have also noticed that over time my colors do not fad as quickly. It is a nice boost to my normal laundry routine without any chemicals. Here is a basic recipe. I use different essential oils in mine. The great thing about all the recipes and ideas is that they can be customized to your preference. You can’t do that with store brands.
  1. Laundry Detergent
    Just as with most things in my life I try to lean more towards natural alternatives and have chemical use to a minimum. I make my own laundry detergent. Use this recipe. The idea of controlling what is in my detergent and how it smells is very appealing to me. I know you may be thinking I don’t have time for that, or it probably costs more. Previously that is what I thought too, but it only takes me 5 minutes to make a gallon and the cost per gallon is only around $2.50. That is less than what I was paying for store brand detergent that contains chemicals and borax. I love this laundry detergent and it really does a good job on all my laundry.

Personal Care Options

3. Hair Care/Skin Care There are so many ways to incorporate essential oils into hair care and skin care. I will share a couple. With my current issues I was noticing my hair was falling out at an alarming rate. What did I do? I turned to essential oils of course. I mixed up a little spray bottle to spray for my hair after washing. It has a few benefits such as it acts as a leave in conditioner, a detangler, it makes my hair grow much faster and it has almost completely stopped my hair from coming out in handfuls. Bonus – my hair feels healthy.  I used Rosemary, Chamomile, Jasmine, Geranium and a bit of Rose. Then I add a little Argon Oil, Coconut Oil, Witch Hazel and Distilled Water. Works great and my hair smells good.

Another easy way to incorporate essential oils into your hair care regimen is to add a couple drops of essential oil to your existing bottle of shampoo and/or conditioner. Depending on the results you are looking for will determine which essential oil(s) you choose. Sandalwood is nice. It can prevent hair loss: By tightening skin tissue, sandalwood essential oil strengthens hair roots for a healthier head of hair. It has anti-dandruff properties. The cooling, anti-bacterial nature of sandalwood soothes sensitive scalps and curbs infections to prevent flaking. Lavender is also a good choice. It is also known for hair growth with a nice relaxing scent. Chamomile is another good choice as it promotes shiny healthy hair.

For your skin care, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to your face cream or cleanser. Dependent on your facial needs will determine which essential oil you choose.

I make a facial serum that I apply morning and night. My serum starts with a mix of coconut, argon and jojoba oils. The essential oils I typically use are Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender and Patchouli I mix it up for different times of the year. Rose essential oil is also great for the skin. Just a couple drops of each. These oils work great for aging skin for smoothness, wrinkles, and glow. These essential oils have many other positive properties from antibacterial to antioxidant.

4. Body Sprays
I prefer body sprays made with essential oils rather than fragrance oils. Fragrance oils are manufactured synthetic scents with added chemicals to enhance the aroma. They are so easy to make and last a long time. I make a bottle(8oz.) and it lasts me a good 5 months plus. (I tend to be a little
generous when I spray) I like the idea that the scent I am wearing is customized to me, by me. The cost? So reasonable. I use essential oils, witch hazel, distilled water and sometimes a little vegetable glycerin. When calculating what I spent on ingredients, per bottle it costs about $3.00. The cost may be small but the smell is amazing and the bonus that nothing toxic is going on my skin. Here are some ideas for body spray recipes.

Lavender is a staple essential oil to have on hand. It has many uses and blends well with other essential oils.


5. Sleepy Time Sleepy time should be your body rejuvenation time, whether you are seeking a sound sleep or relaxing dreams, essential oils can aid you in that quest. There are a number of ways to accomplish better sleep with essential oils.

One way is to use a diffuser. Run a diffuser in your bedroom I suggest a diffuser that has an intermittent setting. With an intermittent setting you will not have an overwhelming scent but a consistent one. Here are some essential oil blends for sleep to try. Another option, would be to make a Sleepy Time Spray. Spray your pillows, blankets and the air shortly before bedtime. To make a spray simply use essential oils and water. For choosing which oils try the diffuser blends above. The next way would be to use a roller ball. Roll the blend on your wrists, temples, feet etc. before bed time. Check this roller ball blend for great sleep.

6. Roller Balls for Specific Concerns Make a roller ball for a specific concern you have. Headaches? Stressed out at work? Anxiety or feeling low?  Or maybe you just need a creativity boost. Whatever your concern, there is an essential oil blend for that.  One roller ball recipe I like is for when I need my creativity and focus. I mix rosemary, peppermint and sweet orange. Here are some roller ball blends to satisfy other needs.

Can’t Forget About Our Fur Babies

7. Pets Not all essential oils are safe around pets. So, if you are experimenting with oils please check first to see if that particular oil is safe on and around pets. For puppies and kittens under 8 weeks old I would just avoid the use of essential oils with these babies. They are still rapidly developing during this time.

Can’t talk about pets without a pic of Goofy.

There are a couple of things I do with essential oils and my Goofy dog. Yes, I named him Goofy because he is. He is very scared when there is a storm. So if I can start the diffuser before the storm starts the lavender will keep him calmer. I also use a flea spray. We go to the park every day so I want to keep him safe but I do not want to put the harmful chemicals on him. I mix together some lemongrass, rosemary with some witch hazel. He gets sprayed on his coat(avoid the eye area). This works great and he has never had fleas as long as I have had him. There is also a tick spray with Rose Geranium essential oil that works great too.

8. Freshen Your Car
We spend a bit of time in our vehicles. With all the soft surfaces in your car it can be an odor trap on wheels. Between the carpet and the seats your vehicle can trap some not so pleasant odors. Here are a couple of easy solutions to keep your car smelling fresh, naturally.

You can spray your soft surfaces with the fabric refresher in #9. I would recommend vacuuming your car first. No essential oil is going to combat the burger remnants that fell under your seat. Generously spray all soft surfaces, close windows and doors and next time you go in your car it will smell fresh. For a continuous pleasant scent, put your favorite essential oil on cotton balls and place under each seat. The scent you choose can have a purpose. For example using Bergamot essential oil. I call Bergamot the happy scent. Bergamot can elevate your mood and alleviate stress.

Around the House

9. Refresh Fabrics
I used to use Febreeze to freshen carpet, curtains my bedding etc. But as with many other things in my home I found a better way. I make my own soft surface refresher. It takes minutes and is more cost efficient without chemicals. The freshness seems to linger longer with this non-chemical alternative. Simply mix distilled water with baking soda and the essential oil scent you want. I use Lavender, Frankincense and Eucalyptus. All three of these essential oils also have disinfecting properties. I spray it everyday on my bedding in between washes so every night when I crawl into bed my sheets, blankets and pillows smell fresh.

10. Deodorize Waste Containers
Your trash can smell and at times so does your trash can. I do not think many of us have the time or energy to wash our trash cans daily. I know I think I am using a liner I should not have to wash it out as often. An easy trick to cut down and eliminate the odor is to take a cotton ball with essential oil and place in the bottom of your can, then put your liner in. Here are a couple of suggestions for which oils to use. Lemongrass is a good odor balancer. Using Peppermint or Spearmint can help deter rodents. Citrus smelling oils or Tea Tree Oil can combat bacteria as well as add a pleasant scent. This is a good idea to use on your exterior trash cans as well.

You may be thinking these are some good and easy ideas that you know you could do but you do not have the time to fuss around with all the mixing and making. The minimal time to make these verses the overwhelming benefits is a win.

Each of the ideas takes literally minutes to make but will last you weeks, and even months. By limiting some of the chemicals you use daily in your home and on your body you will notice a difference in how you feel and think.

Remember, when trying something new, test it first. Always avoid anything you may have a sensitivity to or have a known allergy to. When using essential oils keep in mind their strength and potency. As a rule do not apply essential oils directly to skin without a carrier oil. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children and pets. Wash your hand thoroughly after handling your essential oils.

In closing, essential oils bring so many positive effects to the table, get ready to start feeling the effects.